torture in a sentence

Use ‘torture’ in a sentence | ‘torture’ example sentences

1- He was often tortured during those years.

2- The government had committed wide range violations including systematic torture .

3- The experiments often involved severe psychological torture .

4- His severely tortured body was found shortly afterwards.

5- The bodies reportedly showed signs of torture .

6- Women are often raped and tortured before being slaughtered.

7- The foundation provides counseling to torture survivors.

8- All this constitutes torture under international law.

9- torture is still being used to intimidate detainees.

10- torture and fear tactics are being perpetrated.

11- This experience has been nothing but torture !

12- One major type of animal abuse is torture .

13- The corpses reportedly had signs of torture .

14- Prisoners are being tortured and none were released”.

15- torture and arbitrary violence were daily events.

16- The torture reveals names throughout the region.

17- The torture became increasingly brutal while the spiritual content decreased.

18- He was tortured to death within 11 days.

19- Severe torture leaves the victims altered forever.

20- Our current living conditions keep our torture trauma still alive.

21- The court employed physical torture to extract confessions.

22- Another area involved torture and clandestine imprisonment.

23- A torture chamber is a room where torture is inflicted.

24- A torture chamber is a room where torture is inflicted.

25- Human rights groups argue that indefinite detention constitutes torture .

26- They specifically monitor torture prevention and human trafficking.

27- Galileo was interrogated while threatened with physical torture .

28- The prisoners were tortured and eventually released.

29- He confessed to many acts under torture .

30- Confessions were sometimes extracted through beatings and torture .

31- It involved both psychological and physical torture .

32- His government regularly tortured and murdered political opponents.

33- The suspected assassin was interrogated and confessed under torture .

34- The consequences of torture reach far beyond immediate pain.

35- Statute law explicitly makes torture a crime.

36- The laws of many states therefore formally prohibit torture .

37- Hundreds of countries still practice torture today.

38- The cases of alleged torture are mounting.

39- Media reports of torture often generate widespread public outrage.

40- And torture one poor word ten thousand ways. By 1256 inquisitors were given absolution if they used instruments of torture.

41- The prisoner died under torture.

42- He was subjected to torture by the police.

43- EldadHis lecture on chemistry was nothing but torture.

44- No crime justifies this kind of torture of a prisoner.

45- Find someone who has read in bed using a torch.

46- tortureThe torture made him confess to crimes he had not committed.

47- The cruelty of the torture in the police station is beyond description.

48- Russian chessmaster Gary Kasparov once remarked that chess is mental torture.

49- My children often like to torture me by playing their rap music in the house.

50- No crime warrants the sort of torture these men underwent while in police custody.

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