tortoiseshells in a sentence

Use ‘tortoiseshells’ in a sentence | ‘tortoiseshells’ example sentences

1- If this is the case, then how can any male tortoiseshells exist at all?

2- Meadow browns, small tortoiseshells and common blue butterflies are amongst those that seek out this nectar.

3- It belongs to the family Nymphalidae, which also includes the tortoiseshells and the admirals.

4- Experiment and pick from a plethora of tones and colours, as well as ultra flattering tortoiseshells , too.

5- We have Mia , a 2 year old tortoiseshell and her daughters, Mimi and Tara , 6 month old pretty tortoiseshells .

6- Michaelmas daisies, which flower as late as October, are a good source of nectar for peacocks and tortoiseshells that need to build themselves up before hibernating for the winter.

7- Shot on location in London’s coolest northern spots, the new collection has moved on to a more 70s inspired vibe with aviator silhouettes, tortoiseshells rounds and preppy tones of navy and red being introduced into the sartorial collection.

8- This fool butterfly must have been a chrysallis – there are a million tortoiseshells pirouetting on the purple flowers all the warm months – a chrysallis left from last August.

9- Male tortoiseshells can occur as a result of chromosomal abnormalities (often linked to sterility) or by a phenomenon known as mosaicism, where two early stage embryos are merged into a single kitten.

10- All calicos are tortoiseshell (as they carry both black and red), but not all tortoiseshells are calicos (which requires a significant amount of white in the fur and patching rather than mottling of the colors).

11- The Woodland Trust ‘s network of nature watchers recorded snowdrops appearing as early as December, and have spotted budburst on elder bushes, plus butterflies including Brimstones, Red Admirals and Small tortoiseshells .

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