tortuous in a sentence

Use ‘tortuous’ in a sentence | ‘tortuous’ example sentences

1- We waited a tortuous three weeks until class 2 finally started.

2- The film has had a long, tortuous production history.

3- This began a long and tortuous appeals process.

4- To the west the boundary is more tortuous .

5- The path he took was tortuous and risky .

6- He climbed the dark, tortuous stairs heavily.

7- Both paths have proved tortuous and are strewn with awkward boulders.

8- The suggested linkage between qualia and evolution seems tortuous .

9- The struggle to find herself was sometimes tortuous , yet often exhilarating.

10- But why do African men go through this tortuous immigration process?

11- It’s going to be a really tortuous journey.

12- His rather tortuous explanation seems to come to this.

13- Yes, that would be tortuous reading lol.

14- She was familiar with the tortuous morality of the Vatican.

15- The transmission of the relics after the Reformation was tortuous .

16- Law, however, legal procedure, could be tortuous .

17- The legal ramifications of the Hains case are tortuous .

18- Lowell had had too long to think and his thoughts were tortuous .

19- It was a tortuous , switchback ride.

20- The development of an idea is a tortuous process involving many outside influences.

21- When commercial record-making got under way, deceptions became more tortuous .

22- He plans to get his revenge by administering a tortuous “treatment.

23- And on the VD view the left one is slightly tortuous .

24- Trepanation led through a tortuous course to “psychosurgery.

25- Ideally the pores should be uniformly distributed while also having a tortuous structure.

26- They continued writing even as his marriage followed its brief though tortuous course.

27- The affected vessel is tortuous and enlarged, about 1.5 mm in diameter.

28- Drowning in a tank would be a long and tortuous death.

29- Means-adjusting is useless without income verification, a process both tortuous and potentially endless.

30- She’d had no intention of getting drawn into this tortuous emotional maze again.

31- Many of my guests have followed similarly tortuous paths before finding their true metier.

32- At this point, the history of the Black Canary becomes particularly tortuous .

33- If Italy needs to be bailed out , the negotiations already look tortuous .

34- We made our way along the tortuous mountain route to Rennes le Chateau.

35- The themes are tortuous all around , though the execution is something poetic and beautiful.

36- They are not being whipped, condemned, and nailed to a tortuous cross.

37- The thing about golf is it’s kind of a horrible, tortuous game.

38- The ” tortuous Path” structure of these pores gives it its unique characteristics.

39- I finally reached the road to the pit and I started the tortuous drive.

40- The path to data protection legislation in Britain was a long and tortuous one. Supporters say counseling would give patients more control and free families from tortuous decisions.

41- When Cobbold got possession of the ball he seemed to keep it glued to his toe, darting hither and thither as he pursued a tortuous course towards goal.

42- The area was full of ‘tortuous and narrow lanes, badly drained and reeking with foul odours, thickly populated and miserably housed.

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