title to in a sentence

Use ‘title to’ in a sentence | ‘title to’ example sentences

1- USC occasionally awards emeritus titles to former administrators.

2- Damn those console specific titles to hell .

3- She has almost twenty tournament titles to her credit.

4- Clear title to the books was obtained.

5- Only 14 residents held clear legal titles to their land.

6- It is commonly associated with transferring title to property.

7- The board of education assumed title to school forest.

8- Meredith licenses its magazine titles to partner publishers overseas .

9- They assign different religious titles to the same person.

10- How did you hold title to the home.

11- Click the title to read the chapter.

12- Click the title to visit this page.

13- Lady Stanley has a double title to fame.

14- Neither title to nor ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

15- Video games range from upcoming titles to old-school legends.

16- The purchaser therefore obtained good title to the car.

17- A primary responsibility was to obtain title to Indian lands.

18- We are in title to that money.

19- Would we need a title to sell 10 million copies ?

20- The warehouse receipt acted as title to the stock .

21- This gives access to all titles to view.

22- Please click on each title to access the form.

23- The main title to each product is a clickable link.

24- Now sadly, those people never got titles to the land.

25- So here are a few titles to which I remain attached.

26- The Polish monarch had the power to grant titles to foreigners.

27- Three trustees were to hold title to the organization’s property.

28- Ryan added the CEO title to his position.

29- Therefore, the contractor holds title to it.

30- Xavier then lost the title to Joe.

31- There are many titles, including supreme titles to give out.

32- They lost the title to Arsenal with seconds remaining.

33- Is baptism then, a certain title to eternal life?

34- Who will have title to the equipment?

35- Please send your talk title to David Anderson.

36- They were, however, without legal title to the land.

37- So *Lord is a suitable title to describe Jesus.

38- Click on the title to view the article.

39- Generally you should keep your titles to 64 characters or fewer.

40- title to the land remains in the owner. He has no title to this land.

41- 876707Two weeks later, Brank asked for $1 million and the title to the Audi.

42- 175067Corrects Prawuth’s title to national police spokesman, not police chief.

43- Despite Ronaldo scoring 48 goals, Real missed out on the league title to Barcelona.

44- I don’t think I’ve done that in my career, winning a title to begin the year,” she said.

45- Djokovic added the US Open title to his Australian Open and Wimbledon victories this year.

46- You keep your car, but sign over the title to the lender who uses the vehicle as collateral.

47- MIKE HUCKABEE Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee used the tome’s title to hit her on Benghazi.

48- In January, however, he lost the title to old rival Leo Burke.

49- Sharon has also purposely changed the title to Cinta Khayalan for Stacy’s version.

50- Punk defeated Edge to win the World Heavyweight Championship, moving the title to the Raw brand.

More Sentences: 12
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