title of in a sentence

Use ‘title of’ in a sentence | ‘title of’ example sentences

1- The title of the paper is somewhat misleading.

2- The title of the book is very inspiring.

3- Name and title of immediate supervisor 27.

4- The title of the task mail message.

5- The title of this book is somewhat misleading.

6- The title of the book means lost homeland.

7- The title of book 17 remains a secret.

8- Spanish law fully recognized the customary title of indigenous peoples.

9- These individuals generally hold the title of “captain.

10- Sun claimed the title of military governor.

11- The cabinet officers hold the title of “secretary”.

12- These priests are given the title of canon.

13- The last is usually given the title of official language.

14- The titles of the remaining ranks remained unchanged.

15- The title of the album is “”.

16- The title of quite a few albums.

17- He subsequently earned the title of precinct captain.

18- Many titles of course survived only briefly.

19- The title of the movie was changed twice .

20- Core title of technical and design brilliance .

21- The title of the above article is misleading .

22- The title of this study sounds very ambitious.

23- The title of that unit alone reveals volumes.

24- He truly earned the title of legend.

25- The main title of the list element.

26- The title of the property is important.

27- The title of this star is very meaningful.

28- The titles of various official functionaries are often meaningless.

29- It gives the title of each CD.

30- The title of this selection speaks for itself.

31- This is the title of a specific web page.

32- Enter the title of the abstract using initial capital letters.

33- One such revelation was the title of the show.

34- Full title of the document. 4.

35- The title of the case shows who is opposing whom.

36- He was granted the title of professor In 1975.

37- Those above the list bore the title of captain.

38- The pope now holds the title of universal bishop.

39- The title of the new game is “”.

40- Only eleven families bear the title of Marquis. He bears the title of Sir.

41- The title of the book is “Generation X.

42- “She sang a song, the title of which I did not know.

43- He mentioned a book the title of which I can’t remember now.

44- Find someone who knows the title of an English song.

45- tolerateIn March of 1558, Ferdinand I assumed the title of Holy Roman Emperor.

46- In 1521, King Henry VIII was awarded the title of “Defender of the Faith” by Pope Leo X.

47- I was quite intrigued by the title of the book “Why I Hate Canadians,” and just had to read it.

48- I can’t remember the exact title of this book I read, but it was something like “Children of Midnight.

49- “In March of 1558, Ferdinand I assumed the title of Holy Roman Emperor without being crowned by the Pope.

50- Pop singer Paul McCartney was awarded the title of Sir Paul McCartney by the Queen for his contribution to the world of entertainment.

More Sentences: 1234
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