bad title in a sentence

Use ‘bad title’ in a sentence | ‘bad title’ example sentences

1- Literally the worst title of an article … ever.

2- Scary bad title , should read best pretime trackers.

3- Make good this bad title , and be honoured for it.

4- Many of the people of Scotland would consider it to be bad title .

5- I especially think ” president” and “coo” are bad titles for early-stage businesses.

6- Obviously a good title can’t save a bad movie, but can a good movie save a bad title ?

7- That ‘s not what Dell said, that’s just a bad title picked by a reporter to get clicks.

8- A title company does not cure bad titles , and the documents which it requires are not meant to cure a title defect.

9- If not, then this movie will not be seen by anybody on earth, as it is the worst title since (still my reigning favorite) Soft Toilet Seats.

10- Such remarks signify a cultural establishment quite out of connection with that literal Exodus, the Highland Clearances, perpetrated to consolidate bad title to the land.

11- bad title , because the land of the Highlands and Islands was not always a commodity to be bought and sold with reference only to Mammon.

12- bad title .

13- She then convincingly doused Finland’s Heidi Lind in the title match, 181-116, as Lind left seven splits to card the worst title game ever in the tournament’s history.

14- GameSpy closed its review by putting “Elite Force” as one of the year’s best first-person shooters, and “almost certainly the best “Star Trek” game period, a franchise infamous for its string of bad titles “.

15- Stan Lee has described the series “Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos” as having come about due to a bet with his publisher, Martin Goodman that the Lee-Kirby style could make a book sell even with the worst title Lee could devise.

16- The site’s consensus reads “Unfavorably comparing it with such infamously bad titles as “Battlefield Earth”, a significant number of critics are calling Tom Green’s extreme gross-out comedy the worst movie they have ever seen.

17- The title sequence came first in TV’s Top 5 worst title sequences as part of David Walliams’ “Awfully Good TV”.

18- For Vita owners , this isn’t a bad title , but it’s only recommended if you’ve already gone through the first game and experienced the polish there.

19- Frightened by adverse reports, bad titles , or peri odical spells of dulness at existing towns, men bought lots in different places to secure themselves.

20- In The End, This Game Hath Been Rated : 78% . While the excessive combat and frustrating search system can make the game trying at times, overall it is not a bad title .

21- Not a bad title in the series

22- ” Marx agreed with Engels that “Sozialdemokrat” was a bad title .

23- Example of bad title : Timex Womans Watch – Nice – Cheap

24- ” Film critic Gene Siskel thought “Sorcerer” was a “very bad title “.

25- (Note: I have seen none of these films, but I and my friends would like to say that Million Dollar Baby is a hauntingly bad title .

26- “Yes, it’s a bad title ,” wrote Marni Weisz, the editor of “Famous”, a Canadian film publication distributed in cinemas in that country, in an editorial entitled “At least it’s not “Octopussy”.

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