Use ‘thoughts’ in a sentence | ‘thoughts’ example sentences
148- For those in the crowd, many just wanted to hear Trump’s thoughts in person.
149- We’d love you to read the featured novel, too, and let us know your thoughts.
150- 922817What are your thoughts about Google Earth Pro becoming a free service?
151- Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family,” the Mets said in a statement.
152- There is some evidence that mindfulness can help stave off negative thoughts.
153- They include diagrams, thoughts scribbled in the margins, and lots of doodles.
154- Thank you for your thoughts and respect for our family at this difficult time.
155- Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this tragic time.’
156- Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this very difficult time.
157- But until now, the band’s boisterous momentum always held grim thoughts at bay.
158- My thoughts on the game are not going to be a great analog for a “first timer.”
159- CNN: Any thoughts on the recent demise of Portland airport’s much-loved carpet?
160- 78798A smell or a slap in the face are more real than our thoughts about them.
161- Our thoughts go out to @CDOlimpia and the friends and family of Arnold Peralta.
162- These are the questions and thoughts that plague me as an 18 year old black man.
163- Our thoughts and prayers are with Deputy Wells’ family, friends and colleagues.”
164- Yesterday he tweeted “our thoughts and prayers are with President Jimmy Carter.”
165- His well-being is in our thoughts and prayers,” said NYU Spokesman John Beckman.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
thoughtful – it is thoughtful of – thoughtfully – thoughtfulness – thoughtless – thoughtlessly – thoughtlessness – thoughts – thouing – thous – thousand – batting a thousand – cost per thousand – thousandfold – thousands –
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