Use ‘thoughts’ in a sentence | ‘thoughts’ example sentences
98- “It’s obvious but the connection between people is words.
99- It is by those words that thoughts are shared and arguments carried out.
100- The Buddha stated that we are what we think.
101- All that we are arises with our thoughts.
102- With our thoughts we make the world.
103- Shared customs, beliefs and values, class and race, and political and religious factors all influence the thoughts and actions of group members.
104- There is a Chinese proverb which says that if you wish to know what most occupies a man’s thoughts, you have only to listen to his conversation.
105- Some people suggest that school history texts are merely propaganda made by governments to control the thoughts and perspectives of school children.
106- Alexander Graham Bell once said, “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand.
107- The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.
108- “More than 50 years ago, a Russian psychologist proposed that children’s thoughts and actions originate from their social interactions, particularly with parents.
109- The early fathers of the Christian church believed that the value of music lay in its power to inspire divine thoughts and influence the character of its listeners.
110- Psychologists now believe that memory deficits which occur as we get older may be because we lose the ability to suppress irrelevant thoughts or irrelevant stimuli.
111- Samuel Butler once suggested that it is our less conscious thoughts and our less conscious actions which mainly mold our lives and the lives of those who spring from us.
112- Psychologists now believe that memory deficits which occur as we get older may be because we lose the ability to suppress irrelevant thoughts or irrelevant stimuli.
113- reliefPsychologists now believe that memory deficits which occur as we get older may be because we lose the ability to suppress irrelevant thoughts or irrelevant stimuli.
114- defineMichel de Montaigne once observed that there is no man so good, who were he to submit all his thoughts and actions to the laws, would not deserve hanging ten times in his life.
115- Although it seems very obvious today that culture exerts a strong influence on your thoughts and actions, this notion was largely overlooked in mainstream psychology for many years.
116- Scientists believe that apart from being responsible for functions such as breathing, walking and maintaining a heart beat, the brain produces our intimate thoughts and feelings as well.
117- Second language researchers O’Malley and Chamot wrote that learning strategies are defined as special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to comprehend, learn, or retain new information.
118- The Buddha tells us that anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind.
119- Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
120- Samuel Smiles once observed that the very greatest things – great thoughts, discoveries, inventions – have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.
121- Aguirre has warned Honda to keep this thoughts to himself in future.
122- Holmes’ mother’s thoughts and apologies mean little to him, he said.
123- Dealing with the poor requires some political thoughts and resources.
124- Apparently the SA, after posting my thoughts, decided to remove them.
125- Share your thoughts and experiences with fellow TechRepublic members.
126- He wants them to know what the process of his thoughts were that day.
127- If Taylor had radical thoughts, Farouk said, he kept them to himself.
128- Our thoughts go out to all those affected during this difficult time.
129- thoughts of being your own boss if you are employed could surface now.
130- thoughts are w/@mwlippert & his family after today’s senseless attack.
131- Be picky about thoughts you allow to take root and bloom in your head.
132- He was baiting me so I thought I would give him a few of my thoughts.”
133- Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comments and on Twitter!
134- Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Share your thoughts in 60 seconds!
135- Your thoughts Have you tried the new Windows 10 Mail and Calendar apps?
136- Write your thoughts on a piece of paper, then physically throw them out.
137- Women actually, and this will make you laugh, have careers and thoughts.
138- 758321Then, we must recognize and challenge our wound-causing thoughts.
139- Our thoughts and our prayers go out to everyone touched by this tragedy.”
140- Darcei Diehl Allstead 5pts Darcei Diehl Allstead 5pts Exactly my thoughts.
141- For years, Rowlands has uploaded those thoughts to a website he maintained.
142- thoughts You Have When You Hear Your Co-Workers Pee I just heard you naked.
143- Every day we think about it, and we keep them in our thoughts, Mickel said.
144- He tries to stay busy to keep his mind from wandering into darker thoughts.
145- You try to keep her in your thoughts and, hopefully, everything’s all right.
146- He has my support as well as my thoughts and prayers for him and his family.
147- Share your thoughts with Kelly Wallace on Twitter or CNN Living on Facebook.
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