thinks in a sentence 4

Use ‘thinks’ in a sentence | ‘thinks’ example sentences

151- projectHe is such an egotist that he thinks all the girls at school are in love with him.

152- Find someone who thinks his/her English has improved in the past six months.

153- impulseShe doesn’t believe in evolution, she thinks we are all descended from Adam and Eve.

154- My grandfather thinks it’s ridiculous for people to talk about the rights of animals.

155- Find someone who thinks people who have committed murder should be executed.

156- committeeMy son never wears matching socks, he thinks it looks cool to wear two different ones.

157- Find someone who thinks some of the customs of this country are a little strange.

158- cycleFind someone who thinks some of the customs of this country are a little peculiar.

159- peekMy sister is totally clueless, she thinks that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were real.

160- Find someone who thinks it is good to take revenge for the violent acts of others.

161- revenueFind someone who thinks there should be a bylaw against smoking in public buildings.

162- bypassFind someone who thinks the government should subsidize post-secondary education.

163- substanceShe thinks that hunters should be forbidden from inflicting suffering upon animals for sport.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
joined-up thinkinggood thinkingthinkingsthinking manthinking womanthink throughthink tankthinksthinlythinnedthinnerthinnersthinnessthinnestthinning

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