thinks in a sentence

Use ‘thinks’ in a sentence | ‘thinks’ example sentences

1- One doctor thinks children are physically sick.

2- Our society thinks it is very shameful.

3- Chase thinks their radio is probably dead.

4- She thinks more climate scientists should run for office.

5- Now everyone thinks he is absolutely crazy!

6- He thinks humans are getting better at intellectual life.

7- Everyone thinks everything is open to debate.

8- The service thinks that stocks are heading downwards.

9- It still thinks the body needs more food!

10- A thought leader thinks he has followers.

11- He still thinks that tax cuts are immoral.

12- Hoffman thinks the risk is more subtle.

13- He thinks the cartoons ask legitimate questions.

14- The grandmother actually thinks this is behavior is okay.

15- She thinks that marriage “almost always destroys woman”.

16- My mind instantly thinks it really happened.

17- Some old man who thinks everything is noise.

18- Kate thinks she is seeing things pretty clearly.

19- But he thinks things are slowly changing.

20- The typical woman thinks about it once every 77 minutes.

21- She thinks the such assault allegations are worthless .

22- They needed someone who everyone thinks is nice .

23- He thinks the program is ” wonderful.

24- What liberal thinks the world is perfect ?

25- But another ex student thinks the decision was inevitable.

26- Everyone always thinks the youngest generation is lazy .

27- He thinks his task is almost complete .

28- A few bridges too far me thinks .

29- What your heart thinks great is great.

30- Sometimes mankind thinks it knows too much.

31- The pilot obviously thinks there is choice involved.

32- She thinks living abroad – opens minds.

33- Clearly Galloway thinks consent once is consent forever.

34- My friend Jeremy thinks content calendars are evil .

35- He thinks cleaning squid is really , really hard.

36- Marco Rubio thinks immigration reform is being rushed.

37- Lil Wayne thinks dark women are ugly.

38- Patients sometimes refuse treatment that the therapist thinks potentially helpful.

39- Hope thinks are under better control for you.

40- Brad thinks she has a hot ass! Who thinks so?

41- No one thinks so.

42- She thinks highly of him.

43- He thinks he is an Edison.

44- She thinks the world of him.

45- He thinks nothing of poverty.

46- He thinks himself a great poet.

47- Small wonder that he thinks so.

48- He thinks only of making money.

49- Asahara thinks himself a savior.

50- A politician thinks of the next electionHe thinks himself to be somebody.

More Sentences: 1234
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joined-up thinkinggood thinkingthinkingsthinking manthinking womanthink throughthink tankthinksthinlythinnedthinnerthinnersthinnessthinnestthinning

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