thinning in a sentence

Use ‘thinning’ in a sentence | ‘thinning’ example sentences

1- The vine is very productive and cluster thinning is required.

2- Two basic pruning cuts are heading and thinning .

3- His sleek black car slid quietly through the thinning evening traffic.

4- Two areas of woodland went through major thinning .

5- Regional myocardial wall thinning is thought to represent chronic myocardial infarction .

6- Cluster thinning is required to maintain yield and fruit quality.

7- She pushed the chair through the thinning crowds.

8- They therefore believed the product solved the thinning hair problem.

9- At this level some blood thinning may occur.

10- My was falling and thinning out tremendously.

11- It is possible to correlate cortical thinning with behavioral development.

12- Evaluation of an avocado orchard thinning program.

13- I have thinning hair due to medication.

14- Hair thinning is therefore a sensitive issue for both sexes.

15- The psychology of hair thinning is a complex issue.

16- In other cases the hair loss creates noticeable thinning .

17- Arctic ice is declining in area and thinning .

18- There is mild thinning of the right renal cortex .

19- This condition leads to thinning bones and increased fractures .

20- Requires drastic cluster thinning of secondary late clusters and side shoots.

21- In some women, genetic factors produce significant thinning .

22- Unfortunately, selective thinning is often just too cost prohibitive.

23- His slicked mouse brown hair was thinning .

24- Large calving retreats are initiated by warming conditions causing ice thinning .

25- Think thinning bones is only something women need to worry about?

26- Check with a medical doctor if using blood thinning medications.

27- Issues with a thinning frontal cortex in development.

28- Sometimes referred to as ” thinning the blood”.

29- I have suffered from thinning hair for approx 10 years.

30- But it didn’t hide my thinning spots.

31- In women, this instead results in uniform hair thinning .

32- The tests included the thinning effect of space on mouse bones.

33- The porter joined them, scratching his thinning hair.

34- The crowd is thinning which helps with getting a reservation.

35- She probably have got thinning scissors you know.

36- There was some cortical thinning but no disruption.

37- Tony smoothed his hand over his thinning hair.

38- In subsequent years some training and perhaps thinning may be necessary.

39- Girls are always thinning themselves,’ he said.

40- Cluster thinning is required to prevent overcropping. Today the ozone layer is thinning.

41- thinning hair, wrinkles and aching bones are only some of the indignities of aging.

42- Experts warn that a thinning of the ozone layer could lead to a rise in skin cancer.

43- Scientists warn that a thinning of the ozone layer could lead to a rise in skin cancer.

44- Osteoporosis is a bone thinning condition, and it’s by no means new.

45- The plan now calls for “thinning” smaller non-native trees over a 10-year period.

46- • Dead limbs, thinning or off-color leaves in the tree’s crown, and cavities or deep cracks.

47- But once it boils do not cook for longer than one minute or you risk the curd thinning out again.

48- It unites Singaporeans from different ethnic backgrounds, but it looks like the heritage is thinning.

49- AfPak’s hidden agenda The fog has since begun thinning.

50- Huebner replied “The front lines seem to be thinning out.

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