surprising in a sentence 4

Use ‘surprising’ in a sentence | ‘surprising’ example sentences

150- The region beyond the Cauchy horizon has several surprising features.

151- Ed and Suzanne, in a surprising show of patience, manage to balance out the fastest.

152- surprising many of the white citizens of the area, Crow Dog returned to court as required.

153- ” Adding urelements to the system New Foundations (NF) to produce NFU has surprising consequences.

154- Harry, Roxy and the injured Vanessa took their place as part of the jury, surprising the Eku tribe.

155- Hence, since Ediacaran biota had soft bodies and no skeletons, their abundant preservation is surprising.

156- This low worldwide ranking is surprising to many, as the Internet itself was invented in the United States.

157- Payah makes a surprising discovery, and takes on a responsibility that becomes almost too much for her to bear.

158- surprising everyone, (her conservative family, her own boyfriend and even Ana herself), Alicia still decides to follow the guy.

159- Perhaps more surprising, “There were some American products that we tested that had higher emission than some of the new Chinese products that we tested.

160- The songs were short and snappy by King Crimson standards, with Belew’s pop sense and quirky lyrical approach a surprising contrast to previous Crimson grandeur.

161- The New NX’s news program, NewsNow, drew the lowest viewership of all NewNet stations (82,000) which is not surprising, since it was in the smallest NewNet market.

162- This was surprising to many, as Freston had been seen by many as Redstone’s heir apparent and that Redstone touted that Freston would run the company after he retired.

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