surplus in a sentence

Use ‘surplus’ in a sentence | ‘surplus’ example sentences

1- The government runs surplus accounts since 2005.

2- These markings are often used to identify surplus rifles.

3- The table presents a surplus value calculation.

4- That surplus was based on gross income.

5- Trade liberalization increases total surplus of trading nations.

6- Early vacuum bags were made from war surplus barrage balloon fabric.

7- Some surplus allocation methods select a random vote sample.

8- First annual balance of payments surplus since 1973.

9- No credit is given for annual surplus production.

10- Total surplus aircraft valuations of £360 million.

11- Their ” surplus votes” were then distributed.

12- The massive current account deficit became a fairly substantial surplus .

13- Then surplus mortar will merely brush away.

14- Budget was usually balanced or left small surplus .

15- The government ran annual surpluses of above 3%.

16- But the term ” surplus ” is misleading.

17- The surplus is fed onto the grid .

18- Political intervention is needed to realize absolute surplus value.

19- For me increasing surplus cash was profit .

20- The surplus rate hit 35 % in 2001.

21- Monthly surplus or deficit total monthly income.

22- Another kind of surplus is called” consequential”.

23- American surpluses fill the short term gap.

24- The surplus store can’t sell guns.

25- The industry’s surplus has increased approximately 85% since 2002.

26- So, where does surplus value originate?

27- Inflation reached double digits; government surpluses disappeared.

28- By effectively controlling production, costly surpluses are avoided.

29- It has been declared surplus property and is for sale.

30- They incorporated ethnic fashions and military surplus into curious combinations.

31- Use sweep accounts to earn interest on surplus cash.

32- Percent of private donations remaining after surplus .

33- I bought some surplus ammo that says “corrosive”.

34- C. standardized budget surplus and an actual budget surplus.

35- C. standardized budget surplus and an actual budget surplus .

36- There is a surplus of ten apples.

37- This criterion is the ability to produce surplus value.

38- This is the surplus value theory of profit.

39- D. surplus of 125 units would occur.

40- Japan’s trade surplus soared to a record high.

41- Find someone who has undergone surgery.

42- surplusHe doesn’t have a gram of surplus fat on his body.

43- Our surplus has swelled by nearly ten percent in this quarter.

44- Romania does not export any of its oil because it has no surplus.

45- Thank to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled threefold.

46- Thanks to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled threefold.

47- Japan’s balance of payments has been running a huge surplus for many years.

48- Aneurin Bevan once said that freedom is the by-product of economic surplus.

49- The farmers sent their surplus wheat to help with the famine in North Korea.

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