surprisingly in a sentence 2

Use ‘surprisingly’ in a sentence | ‘surprisingly’ example sentences

51- I polished for all I was worth.

52- The trouble is that my stock of lowgrade gems was surprisingly low.

53- surprisingly, about 40% of the people of Argentina are originally from Italy, compared to 30% who come from Spain.

54- surprisingly, studies show that most car/bicycle collisions occur on weekends, in the daytime, in bright sunny weather.

55- The key is that Asuka abuses Shinji.

56- So, rarely, Shinji flips and assaults Asuka.

57- Then Asuka is surprisingly meek.

58- surprisingly, recent research has discovered that the cocoa powder in chocolate contains a substance which may actually inhibit tooth decay.

59- Psychology experiments show that people are surprisingly willing to inflict pain on others if an authority figure tells them to do it.

60- influenceA report released after the terrorist attack on the WTC stated that the structure of the buildings responded surprisingly well to the impact of the planes.

61- surprisingly, the Republican candidates had little to say about this.

62- Not surprisingly, the results for bond investors weren’t as positive.

63- Not surprisingly, the Capitals thought it was; the Islanders did not.

64- There was, not surprisingly, a lot of hype around Patricia on Friday.

65- 516217Not surprisingly, John McEnroe would support that sort of thing.

66- surprisingly enough, I’ve often found the related articles quite helpful.

67- surprisingly, Obama’s biggest supporters in this effort were Republicans.

68- Supporters of the death penalty, not surprisingly, have a different view.

69- Seahawks coach Pete Carroll was not surprisingly the man given the blame.

70- On the other, the list only has 31 entries, making it surprisingly short.

71- Design student Peter Trimble says it’s actually a surprisingly good idea.

72- 516210Not surprisingly, he easily leads the Hawks in free-throw attempts.

73- But adjusting to their new homes, not surprisingly, can be a struggle too.

74- Not surprisingly, that has led to widespread teacher shortages in Wisconsin.

75- But the “anti-Islamization” movement PEGIDA made a surprisingly good showing.

76- The component that has grown the most in size, surprisingly, is custom fonts.

77- He invited comments and, perhaps surprisingly, rarely had to deal with trolls.

78- Not surprisingly, the economy was the issue everyone was most concerned about.

79- Not surprisingly, there is a hint of Amazon in the air at the Post these days.

80- surprisingly, he wasn’t bearing a briefcase, a bowling ball or a white Russian.

81- Come for the Bouillabaisse fish stew, stay for the surprisingly awesome pizzas.

82- Indeed, the first half of the year is shaping up to be surprisingly lackluster.

83- 516215Not surprisingly, Irving Shipbuilding Inc. disagrees with the assessment.

84- Not surprisingly, Rimini said SAP customers should consider third party support.

85- I was still laughing, but because it was addictive, fun, and surprisingly clever.

86- surprisingly to some, controversial Police Chief Tom Jackson remains at the helm.

87- surprisingly, however, “Schmidt’s” Ellie Kemper was overlooked for comedy actress.

88- But, after going inverted again and another slalom round, I felt surprisingly good.

89- surprisingly, I’ve been told that “everything is easy for me because I’m so skinny!”

90- However, perhaps surprisingly, they say the outcome will not lead to another coalition.

91- surprisingly, it took less than 10 minutes to feel comfortable with the car in control.

92- Charon, too, has a surprisingly youthful look and could be undergoing geologic activity.

93- Not surprisingly, states with no income tax are ranked in the Tax Foundation’s top five.

94- surprisingly, nearly half of the DNA the scientists found didn’t match any known organism.

95- Ohio State surprisingly made it to the championship after upsetting Alabama in the playoffs.

96- And despite their toy-like appearance, the Cicada drones are surprisingly robust, Edwards said.

97- But surprisingly, many winning communities also have some of America’s tightest rental markets.

98- 516219Not surprisingly perhaps, Bolz Weber keeps getting invited to appear on reality TV shows.

99- Doctoroff and Grauer, however, revealed themselves to be surprisingly independent and ambitious.

100- Despite the torrential rain, the atmosphere in the spectators’ village was surprisingly chipper.

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