subtitle in a sentence 2

Use ‘subtitle’ in a sentence | ‘subtitle’ example sentences

51- The original Japanese audio and literal subtitle translation are also included on the DVD.

52- In 1988, he joined The Fat Boys on a rap version of the song, bearing the subtitle “Yo, Twist”.

53- Theobald’s variorum is, as its subtitle says, a reaction to Alexander Pope ‘s edition of Shakespeare.

54- The Music video, which is directed by Eiki Takahashi, starts with following subtitle; :”You are not a bird.

55- The person performing the timing would watch the source video and would assign the appearance, changing, and removal of the subtitle text using a computer.

56- Freedom or Death was added as a subtitle to the second edition in Greek released by Difros publishers in Athens in 1955 and was the preferred English (US) title.

57- “(subtitle) A new technology that mimics the way nature gives bright color to butterfly wings can make cell phone displays clearly legible, even in the sun’s glare.

58- Accessed via and moved to a new subtitle location in 2011.

59- New episodes started airing in 2010, thus making the subtitle true twice.

60- The full single was released on June 3, 2008, given the subtitle The 3rd Project.

61- Originally, Puppet Master II was intended to have the subtitle His Unholy Creations.

62- The book has been published both with and without the subtitle “Ideological Origins of Political Struggles”.

63- Increased game speed As evident by its subtitle, Hyper Fighting increased the overall game speed from the previous game.

64- Universal subtitle Format (USF) is a CoreCodec project to create a clean, documented, powerful and easy to use subtitle file format.

65- The modern version (ISBN 0-88404-418-1) bear a new subtitle: “Prediction of Human Behavior”.

66- The game’s official subtitle of Advanced Warfighter was later announced by Ubisoft in late June.

67- The word in parenthesis is simply a reference to the artwork rather than an actual subtitle or title of the record.

68- The Isle of Octavia is a series of books written by Christopher Lawson, each including a subtitle of its own, i.e. “The Isle of Octavia: Gross Darkness.

69- The service offered in Brazil includes Digital TV with full Dolby Digital surround support, mts and multiple subtitle options, a first for the Brazilian market.

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