subtler in a sentence

Use ‘subtler’ in a sentence | ‘subtler’ example sentences

1- We will also introduce several subtler leak scenarios.

2- The thinkers can create a subtler image than more commercial users.

3- subtler methods of modifying endocrine balance continued to be explored.

4- Scholars have detected subtler religious references in his portraits.

5- The thatch is kept dry through a subtler technique.

6- The threat is a lot subtler than that.

7- Some impacts could be subtler but still significant.

8- There are many more subtler forms of exerting pressure and discrimination.

9- But… the fallacy does appear, in much subtler forms.

10- Dreyfus also identified a subtler assumption about the world.

11- He’s a subtler , quieter form of superstar.

12- Facilities with newer taxpayers are subtler and perfectly approved to contract citizens.

13- However, it is subtler than this.

14- Dynamical breaking of a gauge symmetry is subtler .

15- I think the use of music in commercials is getting subtler .

16- This year , Collins aims to hit a subtler note.

17- It gives us something subtler and more valuable: understanding of principle.

18- But fear has many subtler faces that can be hard to discern.

19- The mind will become subtler and subtler.

20- The mind will become subtler and subtler .

21- Milk suppliers accordingly resorted to subtler cost-cutting methods to preserve diminishing profits.

22- That’s subtler than scientology usually manages, but possible.

23- It will become subtler and subtler also.

24- It will become subtler and subtler also.

25- The divergence in outlook is evident in subtler ways, as well.

26- I think we will have to resort to subtler means.

27- VW also takes the subtler approach so their designs will age better .

28- Ann Fine is subtler and quirkier than that.

29- Or had someone been counting on the hasty destruction of the subtler evidence?

30- Let us highlight : But, a subtler point lurks.

31- At that point, Brian’s right move was to get subtler .

32- Even the first version of Bacon is subtler than this summary suggests.

33- As a result, mixed doubles require greater tactical awareness and subtler positional play.

34- He needs to try to see the subtler reasons for this mood.

35- A subtler way of showing contempt for the public is changing the subject.

36- Guess who has the subtler operation?

37- The dual of __FORMULA__ is subtler .

38- The ensemble’s subtler post-modern elements are generally restricted to the musical content.

39- Our enemies are different now; subtler , more devious than ever before.

40- The second effect of Taft-Hartley was subtler and slower-working. Taylor, p. 156 The rural scenes inspired Potter’s best designs, and the author struck the right tone for children while incorporating subtler touches for adults.

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