subtleties in a sentence

Use ‘subtleties’ in a sentence | ‘subtleties’ example sentences

1- Many cycling subtleties are not fully notable without bike shoes.

2- Such subtleties are hardly within her grasp.

3- In line 5, what does “myriad subtleties ” mean?

4- However, convection has many other subtleties .

5- Nigel realized his verbal subtleties were probably lost on Gina.

6- She inherently understood the subtleties of hues and values.

7- There are various subtleties of usage amongst them all.

8- Rather, the extra words permit subtleties and complexities.

9- This updated version is much more comprehensive and includes some excellent subtleties .

10- Learn to read your body’s subtleties .

11- The temple structure resembles the human body with all its subtleties .

12- I alluded to these ” subtleties ” in my original post.

13- Getting into the companionship with chi has many subtleties and layers.

14- So in general, there are quite some subtleties involved.

15- They can provide insights into the subtleties of human nature.

16- He picks up subtleties , and his distance improves.

17- If there are subtleties , what exactly are they?

18- Once again, we’re not talking subtleties here.

19- So there are a lot of subtleties around them .

20- Innovation – Innovation comes in sweeping waves and subtleties .

21- For all his subtleties , he was finite.

22- There are myriad subtleties in the adjustment of any two individuals.

23- Below, we will detail a few subtleties and tips.

24- I can sense the subtleties that lie within it all.

25- There are other subtleties that we find irksome too .

26- Ignorance of these subtleties may result in misconceptions.

27- Alert to subtleties and paradoxes, oh yes.

28- It was all too easy to miss Andsnes’s subtleties .

29- How can all these fine distinctions, these subtleties be learned?

30- Guides cannot master the subtleties of the American joke.

31- It concedes no gradations or subtleties in its accusations.

32- One of the subtleties of interpreting abdominal radiographs is peritoneal detail.

33- These subtleties of the war did not entirely evade the British public.

34- There are subtleties in the estimation of RTT.

35- The issue of background independence in LQG still has some unresolved subtleties .

36- Although this transformation is innate, it requires many complex subtleties of language.

37- The varieties and subtleties of the taste and texture differences are simply amazing.

38- Subtext . The subtleties between the lines of a scene.

39- Race studies must investigate the subtleties .

40- Comparing two-parent families with all single-parent families often masks important subtleties . I cannot appreciate the subtleties of the subject.

41- Books that are translated often lose the subtleties of language which are present in the original.

42- You’re considerate, but don’t you think you should work a little more at understanding the subtleties of the human mind?

43- The person who attains communion with these two subtleties can observe these visions.

44- Nehr-e-Tasheed (Channel of Evidence) whose last limit is Angelic Realm, feeds the subtleties of the human heart.

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