Use ‘strive’ in a sentence | ‘strive’ example sentences
98- Some of Family Service Objectives are as follows *Strive to bring schools and families together in support of the community’s children.
99- Chu, being an extraordinary housewife decides to bounce back and gets ready to strive against the villainy in order to save her husband.
100- 9. Thou shall not always aspire for financial gain but always strive for cinematic excellence.
101- Salesian schools strive for strict discipline and order, while avoiding any kind of physical punishment.
102- Houses provide lower school students with a sense of community and encourage competition to strive for achievement.
103- ICBS does not only educate and train students, we strive to educate and enlighten in the broadest sense of the word.
104- In Kōshin belief, Kōshin-san is thought to help all those who strive in their livings, with all their efforts to be good persons.
105- The FWM has and will always strive to push artists in new directions, opening their eyes to see anything they think up can be done.
106- Similarly as a reward for participation in such a strive, the Qur’an states: Consider not those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead.
107- “Ecovillages are urban or rural communities of people, who strive to integrate a supportive social environment with a low-impact way of life.
108- The philosopher Stanley Cavell develops the idea of moral perfectionism as the idea that there is an unattained but attainable self that one ought to strive to reach.
109- Ms. Yvette Faught serves as principal, presiding with the mission to “provide an educational environment where students and personnel strive to reach their potential”.
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