Use ‘strive’ in a sentence | ‘strive’ example sentences
1- The participating nations must strive to achieve practical results.
2- She must strive to attain advanced vision.
3- We strive to continually provide affordable procedures while achieving amazing results.
4- The organization may strive to retain old patterns.
5- We strive to acquire additional private school data whenever available.
6- All hospitals strive to offer great medical care.
7- Yet three score barons around him strive .
8- For martyrdom strives against and opposes idolatry.
9- Racial residential segregation has allowed businesses to strive economically.
10- The university strives to promote environmental responsibility.
11- Keep striving & keep aiming for success !
12- We will strive for mutually beneficial relations.
13- We strive to provide a truly memorable event.
14- We strive to support our local suppliers whenever possible.
15- We strive for excellence in customer satisfaction.
16- They strive to retain their cultural traditions.
17- This doctrine strove above all else for visual effect.
18- Satan is continually striving to wedge himself in between brethren.
19- They strive longer and harder for success.
20- The verb which is translated strive signifies to rule.
21- We strive to provide the best experience possible.
22- This is known as striving for superiority.
23- Great athletes strive to improve their performance.
24- He is virtuous and thus not strives !
25- Does it continually strive to improve safety?
26- My research strives to combine academic originality and policy relevance.
27- We must always be striving for peace.
28- She is already striving to reach the next level.
29- We strive for accurate content and locality information.
30- Virtual reality strives for a totally immersive environment.
31- AAA strives to educate drivers about safe behaviors.
32- We strive to create a perfect balance.
33- They must strive to be above reproach.
34- A fine performance lads ÔÇô keep striving for the double!
35- The body always strives to return to balance.
36- Every school strives for their own uniqueness.
37- We strive to keep safety our top priority.
38- We strive to refer reputable companies that promote fair practices.
39- He was striving to achieve a goal.
40- Vietnamese will always strive to save face. We must strive to achieve our goals.
41- Find someone who owns a striped shirt.
42- striveMax Ehrmann once wrote, “Strive to be happy.
43- “They strive constantly to improve customer relations.
44- They had to strive against natural calamities for ages.
45- We strive to give our customers the best service possible.
46- Anthony J.
47- D’Angelo once said, “Continually strive to improve yourself.
48- “We must work together, and strive for peace, despite our history and our differences.
49- She has to strive to catch up to her classmates because she has been absent for a week.
50- The poverty of the post-war era made the Japanese people strive to rebuild their economy.
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