Use ‘strive’ in a sentence | ‘strive’ example sentences
51- Aesop once noted that it is in vain to expect our prayers to be heard if we do not strive as well as pray.
52- In every culture, there are general conceptions of the desirable goals which people should strive to attain.
53- Emile Durkheim once asked, “Why strive for knowledge if this knowledge cannot be used for the betterment of society?”Every society has its general conceptions of the desirable goals that people are expected to strive to attain.
54- strokeEvery society has its general conceptions of the desirable goals that people are expected to strive to attain.
55- despairEvery society has its general conceptions of the desirable goals that people are expected to strive to attain.
56- concentrateThis program has been designed to provide students with opportunities to reach their potential and strive towards excellence.
57- There is a Gaelic proverb that states that the bitter cup we strive to remove from us holds the medicine we are most in need of.
58- They have had to make their operation more efficient and competitive as they strive to succeed in the international marketplace opened up by free trade.
59- We strive every year to make every episode an experience, Howerton said.
60- Is there a motivational quote out there that helps you strive to succeed?
61- It’s a miserable cycle to be in. Save your money and strive to get ahead.
62- He said: “You have to look at it (the play-off positions) and strive for it.
63- How scorn, how hate, how strive, we too, Who must do so soon as those others do?
64- The strategy is simple–just do what you love to do, strive to be the best at it.
65- 933999When you play it out, it doesn’t exactly seem like something to strive for.
66- But the premiers might have more incentive to posture than to strive toward agreement.
67- 32225All journalists should strive to be impartial, whatever their opinions, he said.
68- I try and take a similar approach to both – and I strive for similar qualities in both.
69- That forced fumble at the end, we always strive to play to the end, play to the whistle.
70- There’s no need to be perfect, but strive to choose healthier foods the majority of the time.
71- NetDragon continues to strive for developing mobile games and software applications for users.
72- They have gathered in various groups and strive for different goals – peacefully and violently.
73- “Obviously people strive in the regular season to get to the playoffs and now I see absolutely why.
74- 415149It’s okay to strive for great success, but not at the cost of your health and personal life.
75- We strive to keep our clients fully informed as the penalties can be quite high for non-compliance.”
76- “We strive to meet both our students’ desire for career-focused learning and our communities’ needs.
77- We strive to continually provide affordable procedures while achieving amazing results.
78- Many drinking water utilities strive to achieve levels as low as 0.1 NTU.
79- Financial Aids MAU offers an in-house scholarship programs for those students who strive in their education.
80- The guidelines set out the basic parameters that every water system should strive to achieve in order to provide the cleanest, safest and most reliable drinking water possible.
81- ” “Departments value their turf and strive to protect it.
82- The Seahawks, like Virginia Mason, strive to be at the top of our profession and this partnership helps accomplish that goal.
83- Charles assumed that, whether or not he invaded Austria, Horthy would strive to facilitate his restoration within three weeks.
84- Organic farmers strive to increase soil organic matter content, which can support microorganisms that destroy common weed seeds.
85- Through professional development activities, CPE faculty strive for excellence in teaching and contribution to the state-of-the-art.
86- They can also be neutral, where both opponents strive for an offensive position, or disengagement maneuvers, to help facilitate an escape.
87- Lyrics Overthrow the foreign Powers, × 2 Eliminate the warlords; × 2 The citizens strive hard for the Revolution, × 2 Joint affair to fight.
88- Teachers, nurses, social workers, computer technicians, administrators, tradesman, and others work together and strive to live a simple life close to the poor.
89- Jung linked Active Imagination with the processes of alchemy in that both strive for oneness and inter-relatedness from a set of fragmented and dissociated parts.
90- Gammas strive to maintain a strong sense of brotherhood represented by the friendships that exist between all generations, from the founding fathers down to the newest members.
91- So women would strive to lure men to their houses and make them lodge.
92- These ‘gold standards’ are what the computational systems strive towards.
93- All disk editors strive to be better than DEBUG contained in all DOS versions.
94- They would annually strive to ensure that “family, settlement, tribe, and country” had rain.
95- KBOO shall strive for spontaneity and programming excellence, both in content and technique.
96- In 2007 AASL expanded and restructured the standards that school librarians should strive for in their teaching.
97- Sunglasses *Sunglasses are not worn indoors Language *One should strive to be respectful of others’ attempts to communicate in English.
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