sphere in a sentence 4

Use ‘sphere’ in a sentence | ‘sphere’ example sentences

149- A bubble is a holomorphic sphere which has a transverse intersection with the rest of the curve.

150- This is false in higher dimensions; any exotic sphere is the union of a 0-handle and an n-handle.

151- Conformal invariance The sphere (here shown as a red circle) as a conformal homogeneous manifold.

152- Umbilical points can be thought of as the points where the surface is closely approximated by a sphere.

153- While Habermas focuses on the eighteenth century, the Rota Club conforms to the criteria of the public sphere.

154- The Über-Morlock dies by rapidly aging when Alexander pushes him outside of the machine’s sphere of influence.

155- The drums are some 28-30 cm. in diameter and about 16 cm high, growing narrower toward the bottom like a half-sphere.

156- The Thomson problem deals with the lowest energy distribution of identical electric charges on the surface of a sphere.

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