sphere in a sentence 2

Use ‘sphere’ in a sentence | ‘sphere’ example sentences

51- spikeAncient astronomers thought the sky was a hollow sphere surrounding Earth.

52- After World War Two, Czechoslovakia fell within the Soviet sphere of influence.

53- Throughout history, men have increasingly assumed dominance in the public sphere.

54- Everyone working in the sphere of education will be affected by the government’s budget cuts.

55- Free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere because of its surface tension.

56- Winston Churchill once remarked that the power of man has grown in every sphere, except over himself.

57- Ann Plato once remarked that a good education is that which prepares us for our future sphere of action.

58- By studying the movement of sunspots, Galileo was able to conclude that the sun is a sphere rotating on its axis.

59- The drift from the British to the American economic sphere had important effects on the urban structure of Canada.

60- The U.S. has increased its sphere of influence in the region through its program of financial assistance to the war-torn areas.

61- Gail Hamilton once said that every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more, and none can tell whose sphere is the largest.

62- Gail Hamilton once said that every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more, and none can tell whose sphere is the largest.

63- scoreJohn Quincey Adams once stated that to furnish the means of acquiring knowledge is the greatest benefit that can be conferred upon mankind.

64- It prolongs life itself, and enlarges the sphere of existence.

65- Drop the sphere made the sphere fall, while “reset” let us try again.

66- But when they enter the public sphere, everybody listens very carefully.

67- We need to take this violence out of the private, and into the public sphere.

68- We could not unsee these people; the image seared itself into the public sphere.

69- Similarly Nepal and Bhutan, both traditionally part of India’s sphere of influence.

70- Mind’s pilot scheme shows that there is a broad potential in the mental health sphere, too.

71- And, Target continues to lead in the retail sphere through its Target Innovation Laboratory.

72- Paul Cezanne, the artist has a theory of three elements in nature a cone, a sphere, a cylinder.

73- How did they actually get a steel pan – and they shaped it like a sphere – and it has similar notes.

74- In 1939, Hitler and Stalin agreed to place the three countries under the Soviet sphere of influence.

75- Lavrov added that the deal further boosts Russia-Iran business ties, including in the nuclear sphere.

76- Bakir says the U.S. and Russia cannot carry on operating in the same sphere without working together.

77- General Fusion uses precision controlled pistons to hammer giant shock waves into a magnetized sphere.

78- It extends to the sphere of foreign affairs .

79- The party’s agitation for industrial unionism did have appeal to others in the radical political sphere, however.

80- The sphere had to abandon the mining station, leaving all the water stored behind.

81- Lebedev quadrature has become one of the popular methods of integration on a sphere.

82- For parallel transport on a sphere, the implicit dependence is intrinsic to the non-euclidean metric.

83- ” Jürgen Habermas The Structural Transformation of the Public sphere was Habermas’s first major work.

84- Then construct a line passing through the center of the sphere (3-D origin) and the point on the sphere.

85- Gallery The Celestial sphere Woodrow Wilson Memorial in the Ariana Park with Lake Geneva in the background.

86- The Möbius transformations are precisely the conformal transformations of the Riemann sphere (or celestial sphere).

87- The word “Kugel” means “sphere” in German ; the word “Mugel” is an Austrian German expression for “bump” or “mogul”.

88- In 1989 – 1992 was an Accountant General at “DAP International”, a company operating in the sphere of international trade.

89- Harry grabs the sphere, and Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy surround to attack, demanding that Harry hand over the prophecy.

90- Assuming, contrary to our desired outcome, that : integrate over all space : The second term is a surface integral over an infinite sphere.

91- Women’s issues were first articulated in the public sphere by Camilla Collett (1813-1895), widely considered the first Norwegian feminist.

92- Also implicit in its name, public journalism seeks to orient communication away from elite, corporate hegemony toward a civic public sphere.

93- “The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939 assigned Estonia to the Soviet sphere of influence, prompting the beginning of the first Soviet occupation in 1940.

94- The sons of Henry III, after several attempts in the diplomatic sphere, and even with military invasions, tried to recover Greater Poland without success.

95- This double image effect is most prominent for an observer located directly in the path of a superluminal object (in this example a sphere, shown in grey).

96- He praised Geneva for its moral women, and its ordered familial sphere, while criticizing the women of the Salons in France for making men womanly and cowardly.

97- On 22 April 2009 in Istanbul, the ministers of culture of both countries signed a new program for cooperation in the sphere of culture for the period between 2009 and 2011.

98- The ball was then cooled and turned to make a uniform sphere.

99- His name is referred to in the legal sphere as a case study ”T.

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