sphere in a sentence

Use ‘sphere’ in a sentence | ‘sphere’ example sentences

1- Ecology touches every sphere of human existence.

2- They are tiny hollow spheres and are virtually inert.

3- Assume that both spheres undergo simple harmonic motion 48.

4- This region is sometimes called the photon sphere .

5- It thus rotates around the celestial sphere .

6- The third sphere is the public sphere.

7- The third sphere is the public sphere .

8- These goals are pursued in three major interconnected spheres .

9- The passenger ships had habitation spheres 20 meters in diameter.

10- Christians experienced sporadic persecutions in both political spheres .

11- The free solvent molecules constitute the “outer sphere “.

12- The sphere is said to exhibit spherical symmetry.

13- Extremely thin films and tiny spheres exhibit high strength.

14- Universal money frequently weakened the boundaries between exchange spheres .

15- The celestial sphere has been divided into 88 constellations.

16- These spheres often occur on different scales.

17- They often face discrimination in various spheres .

18- The mesh is projected onto a sphere .

19- The normative spheres always refer beyond themselves, anticipating later spheres.

20- The normative spheres always refer beyond themselves, anticipating later spheres .

21- Feel safely enclosed within your sphere of light.

22- On the circuit being closed the spheres become charged.

23- See celestial sphere for a helpful diagram.

24- This committee monitors all legislation within the online privacy sphere .

25- Labor cost in almost all spheres is low.

26- In the human sphere this is called karma .

27- Each hemoglobin molecule is represented as a sphere .

28- Further concrete evidence may be revealing itself in rather unusual spheres .

29- It was crowned with a glass sphere .

30- Each corner is supported by a small sphere .

31- It was a solid wooden sphere covered with paper.

32- Wholesale pricing on split round balls and wooden split spheres .

33- These fractures release powerful destructive energies from inside the sphere .

34- These types of individuality structures have sphere sovereignty.

35- The elites consider everyone outside their sphere marginal or invisible.

36- In the personal sphere this is more complicated.

37- Growing surveillance in every sphere of life.

38- There was political competition for spheres of influence.

39- Identifying and tracking new across cultural spheres .

40- International cooperation in this sphere was relatively unknown. How do you calculate the mass of a sphere?The earth is shaped like a sphere.

41- The subject is out of his sphere.

42- AlanF_USHe tried to enlarge his sphere of influence.

43- Everyone admitted that the earth is a sphere.

44- The earth is just a sphere suspended in space.

45- UFSThe family touches every sphere of a child’s existence.

46- The area of a sphere can be determined using this formula.

47- Find someone who has speculated on the stock market.

48- sphereUse the following formula to calculate the volume of a sphere.

49- Many countries are having difficulties in the economic sphere.

50- Find someone who knows how to measure the volume of a sphere.

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