spending in a sentence 3

Use ‘spending’ in a sentence | ‘spending’ example sentences

101- Consumers are spending at the fastest pace since the Great Recession.

102- Not bad, given Uncle Sam’s spending has steadily declined since 2011.

103- Not all the increase in consumer spending is captured in retail sales.

104- No longer did I see value in spending my weekends in clubs or in bars.

105- Wiseman said Paddon provides a valuable check and balance on spending.

106- He loved spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

107- Nationally, spending in 2015 is expected to decline by three per cent.

108- You can bet that brands will be spending a lot in order to reach them.

109- They met the goal by spending 138 hours and 27 minutes in the balloon.

110- Clock your hours each week to see where you’re spending the most time.

111- If fully enacted they would cut spending by around $1 trillion by 2021.

112- So where and how will we be spending our precious leisure time in 2015?

113- One day, Claudia Langer found herself in the midst of a spending spree.

114- Overall consumer spending accounts for 70 percent of economic activity.

115- All that does is excuse the ineffective spending and invite more of it.

116- However, this is nowhere near the all-time record for January spending.

117- But most of all, he loved spending time with his grandchildren & family.

118- Construction spending was up 13.7 percent compared to July of last year.

119- Consumer spending in June was restrained by a decline in auto purchases.

120- “Consumer spending is an important engine for economic growth this year.

121- It can aggravate debt problems, and lead to consumers delaying spending.

122- 426424It will also involve students spending more time with technology.

123- 558604Personal spending and private insurance covered most of the rest.

124- According to Gallop Poll, shoppers are spending $830 this holiday season.

125- 961394You need to man up, think of the family and stop spending so much!

126- The fiscal 2015-16 budget includes a spending reduction of $61.5 million.

127- “Just spending an hour trolling Twitter, it really kind of hits you hard.

128- 39326A major point of disagreement between the blocs is public spending.

129- ‘Are we getting results for these dramatic, marked increases in spending?

130- After spending about an hour with him, the family decided he was the one.

131- The modest advance followed a revised 0.7 percent rise in spending in May.

132- PA: Do you imagine you’ll be spending more time in jail in the near future?

133- I was afraid of spending the rest of my life in Ukrainian prisons, he says.

134- But there are rare times where spending a bit more is actually a good idea.

135- Total construction spending has risen 13.7 percent over the past 12 months.

136- He also faced allegations of using MKO money for personal spending in 2014.

137- The new stopgap spending bill will buy time for talks on the bigger measure.

138- Other issues students asked involved welfare spending and the national debt.

139- So far, they aren’t spending It’s not the only oil company feeling the pain.

140- The electoral arithmetic may work for her, but do her spending plans add up?

141- The government is expected to continue spending 0.7% of GDP on overseas aid.

142- They also did away with minimum spending thresholds to qualify for the perk.

143- For the past two consecutive years, per-pupil spending in the US has fallen.

144- September 2010 – General strike called by unions to oppose the spending cuts.

145- Ducey touted his budget as putting $134 million more into classroom spending.

146- 915613We’re spending a lot of time on the interface,”” von Holzhausen said.”

147- 126112But how long can stocks rally in the face of anemic consumer spending?

148- The latest spending numbers set the table for the gift giving season to come.

149- Then I thought to myself, ‘What if we filmed a video without spending money?’

150- And more subdued prospects lead, in turn, to lower spending and lower growth.

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