spending in a sentence

Use ‘spending’ in a sentence | ‘spending’ example sentences

1- The current budget is spending $32 billion.

2- The middle 20 percent are still spending nearly 3 percent less.

3- I was spending far too much money.

4- All three councils blame tough spending limits.

5- High house prices were supporting household spending .

6- These are public bodies spending public money .

7- Foreign production spending was down nine per cent .

8- Gotta keep spending those tax dollars though .

9- So increased state spending did increase demand.

10- Yet data shows more govt spending increased poverty .

11- What does ” spending limit” mean?

12- How much spending occurs per sales rep?

13- Their problem was spending rather than saving.

14- Transparency enhances confidence and reduces competitive arms spending .

15- More government spending translates to higher healthcare costs.

16- But capital spending retains its own intrinsic importance.

17- Overall ad spending was down 23% last year.

18- We were spending too much time sitting.

19- Stevens called corporate spending “more transactional than ideological”.

20- Their future earning and spending potential decreases.

21- This represents 18% of total social security spending .

22- Medical spending has tended to exceed state economic growth.

23- To keep firm control over public spending .

24- Double government spending on renewable energy research .

25- Global healthcare spending is $5 trillion per year.

26- It is our single biggest spending programme.

27- Democratic incumbents are spending millions to tread water.

28- The plan is less specific on spending reductions.

29- The ongoing decline in housing is hurting consumer spending .

30- Consumer spending and housing sales are both slowing.

31- This implies spending the same amount again.

32- spending money is based on individual choice.

33- The ad spending amount essentially has no limit.

34- Another study believes that healthcare spending waste is much more widespread.

35- Medicare spending exceeded $500 billion in 2010.

36- It includes foreign aid and defense spending .

37- Women control 80% of consumer spending .

38- Our society is based on ever more spending .

39- Wages rise when capital spending per worker rises.

40- The relationship between defence spending and economic growth is often disputed. Beeton advises her readers to maintain a “housekeeping account book ” to track spending.

41- spending will grow only a touch faster.

42- He grudged spending money on such a thing.

43- His father allows him $ a week as spending money.

44- He resigned himself to spending a boring evening.

45- Government spending is getting a little out of hand.

46- Taxpayers are angry about wasteful government spending.

47- Unless we control spending, we will be in serious trouble.

48- Her reckless spending has cost this company a lot of money.

49- A child should not get more spending money than is necessary.

50- An aging population will require more spending on health care.

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