spending in a sentence 2

Use ‘spending’ in a sentence | ‘spending’ example sentences

51- After his father’s death, John took to spending his time in bars.

52- How about spending an elegant and blissful time at a beauty salon?

53- Japanese corporations are slashing their capital spending prograMs. Consumer spending on alcohol amounted to over $250 per household last year.

54- We’ll have to be conservative in our spending if we want to make our money last.

55- After spending hours out in the cold winter wind, my skin got all chapped and dry.

56- The Prime Minister made a commitment to increase health care spending if re-elected.

57- If we don’t do something to curb spending, we are going to run out of money very soon.

58- The hot dry climate of Phoenix was quite nice after spending a rainy spring in Portland.

59- Croatian families have less money nowadays, and must carefully prioritize their spending.

60- Unless the government raises taxes or lowers spending, the deficit will continue to rise.

61- He was looking forward to spending the weekend with her in their little cottage in Somerset.

62- The Opposition leader’s speech highlighted the need for an increase in health care spending.

63- We bought a fuel-efficient car in order to reduce the amount of money we are spending on gas.

64- The fun-loving students suffered the unpleasant consequences of spending too much time partying.

65- After spending an afternoon at the spa, she had a delicious feeling of relaxation and well-being.

66- Without flinching from that fact in the slightest, Chitose is spending today as well in fine spirit.

67- After spending the evening at the casino, I counted my chips and found that I was only down by about $5.

68- The Buddha spent his life as a wandering monk, begging for his meals, and spending his days in meditation.

69- After spending about ten years overseas, I experienced a bit of culture shock coming back to live in England.

70- As a result of spending almost a century as a British colony, many British customs still prevail in Hong Kong.

71- After spending the summer outdoors tree planting, my son came home stronger and hardier than I’d ever seen him.

72- In 1999, for the first time, British households were spending more on leisure than on housing, food or transport.

73- After spending a year in Monterrey, Kyung-Hee felt that Mexicans and Koreans had a very different outlook on life.

74- I don’t relish the idea of spending the evening with my ex-wife, but my daughter really wants us both at her party.

75- When I was a little boy, I used to enjoy spending time at the park watching sticks float down the stream, and chasing after them.

76- I really appreciate the comforts of life in this country after spending a number of years working in a small village in Botswana.

77- A Japanese proverb observes that getting money is like digging with a needle, but spending it is like water soaking into the sand.

78- A little girl in Juneau survived after spending over two hours outside in -20° weather.

79- It’s a miracle that she didn’t die.

80- After spending a week on the beach in Mexico, Oscar was pretty tanned, except for a band of white skin around his wrist from his watch.

81- Major tobacco companies are switching their sales efforts to emerging nations with their expanding populations, and rising spending power.

82- There is a Japanese proverb which states that getting money is like digging with a needle, but spending it is like water soaking into the sand.

83- Despite enormous oil revenues, Saudi Arabia expects to have a budget deficit in 2002, partly due to increased spending for education and other social prograMs. E.

84- W.

85- Howe once said that there is only one thing for a man to do who is married to a woman who enjoys spending money, and that is to enjoy earning it.

86- The tobacco lobby is spending millions of dollars in an effort to stop the government from suing tobacco companies for health costs related to illnesses caused by smoking.

87- Susan Taylor once observed that we need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly, spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself, and create order.

88- According to a new study, sales clerks in stores tend to discriminate against shoppers who are obese, treating them more rudely and spending less time with them than with other shoppers.

89- People often complain about the government spending too much money advertising its achievements, but the simple truth is that the public need to be informed of programs available to them.

90- The Irish government has implemented a series of national economic programs in order to reduce inflation, and government spending, increase labor force skills, and promote foreign investment.

91- Boxx requested $370,169, up $43,000 from last year’s spending total.

92- By 2020, spending on specialty drugs alone could reach $400 billion.

93- In her filing, Dias acknowledges the family’s large spending habits.

94- Match that spending with an equal contribution to your down payment.

95- MoveOn.org is spending $1 million to promote a Draft Warren movement.

96- The 14-year-old girl is home safely after spending days in the woods.

97- Recent evidence suggests that spending growth is coming in below GDP.

98- Mr Swinney is due to present his 2016-17 spending plans on Wednesday.

99- 10035Above all, it will likely be felt in tax and spending policies.

100- Who are these people that you’re spending this holiday with, and why?

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