soviet in a sentence

Use ‘soviet’ in a sentence | ‘soviet’ example sentences

1- soviet dissidents were active fighters against censorship.

2- soviet maneuvers have included defensive tactics against such weapons.

3- soviet labor camps never made any landmarks commission.

4- soviet country life offered few educational and vocational opportunities.

5- soviet leaders had two foreign policy goals.

6- soviet grain supplies were already at critically low levels.

7- soviet units can launch human wave attacks.

8- soviet production facilities were repaired or rebuilt within six weeks.

9- soviet aviation would still sustain heavy losses.

10- soviet officials organized their wartime deportation policy largely along ethnic lines.

11- soviet officials identified religion closely with nationality.

12- soviet military advisors were ordered to leave.

13- soviet expeditions were sent almost yearly from 1923.

14- The extremely lucky soviet infantry survives again!

15- However soviet pilot training was extremely poor.

16- Russian ballet continued development under soviet rule.

17- The soviet bomber fleet was very diverse.

18- The soviet tank regiments had been demolished.

19- This situation improved dramatically under soviet rule.

20- The soviet economy suffered severe structural problems.

21- soviet officers embraced each other in bear hugs.

22- soviet training left much to be desired.

23- soviet aviation was heavily supported by a large industry.

24- soviet troops were deployed to stop the violence.

25- soviet industrialization of the early 1930s required massive debt expansions.

26- soviet posters also focused on industrial production.

27- soviet historiography is itself the subject of modern studies.

28- soviet aid programs expanded steadily from 1965 to 1985.

29- soviet officials reacted quickly to suppress the book.

30- soviet soldiers remain in their northern sector.

31- soviet partisans are therefore a controversial issue in those countries.

32- soviet examples were held up for emulation.

33- soviet troops left the city in 1955.

34- soviet veterans condemned the turret hatches of early models.

35- soviet rule also had some positive aspects.

36- soviet assassins were already on the train.

37- soviet maps for domestic civilian purposes were often of lower quality.

38- soviet soldiers committed numerous rapes and other crimes.

39- soviet forces initially faced disastrous losses from 1941 to 1942.

40- We need spies because soviet security is highly effective. He defected to the soviet Union in the ‘s.

41- The Cold War ended when the soviet Union collapsed.

42- Czechoslovakia was invaded by the soviet Union in 1968.

43- A soviet citizen has been jailed for 20 years for spying.

44- The soviet Union launched the first space satellite in 1957.

45- In March of 1950, the soviet Union announced it had built an atomic bomb.

46- The soviet Union as a political entity ceased to exist in the late 1980s.

47- Russia was the largest and most powerful part of the former soviet Union.

48- In 1989, the soviet Union completely withdrew its troops from Afghanistan.

49- For a long time, the North Koreans followed the soviet model of communism.

50- The Nazi-soviet non-aggression pact of 1939 allowed Germany to attack Poland.

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