soviet in a sentence 2

Use ‘soviet’ in a sentence | ‘soviet’ example sentences

51- After World War Two, Czechoslovakia fell within the soviet sphere of influence.

52- The collapse of communism resulted in the fragmentation of the former soviet Union.

53- Joseph Stalin led the former soviet Union for 24 years before dying on March 5, 1953.

54- Siberia has long been a place for outcasts, exiles, and Russian and soviet prisoners.

55- On September 21, 1978, two soviet cosmonauts set a space endurance record of 96 days.

56- In 1970, a soviet space probe landed on the moon, and collected samples of lunar soil.

57- The soviet system of collective farming worked well in Moldova, an agricultural country.

58- The penetration of the CIA by soviet spies has created a huge scandal in the U.S. Azerbaijan has been an independent republic since the collapse of the soviet Union in 1991.

59- In 2001, Moldova became the first former soviet state to elect a communist as its President.

60- Over a million soviet soldiers and civilians lost their lives during the siege of Stalingrad.

61- Joseph Stalin once suggested that gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the soviet Union.

62- soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin once joked, “I only understand positive statements in English.

63- “Millions of people in the soviet Union died or disappeared during the regime of Joseph Stalin.

64- In 1948, the soviet Union blockaded all transportation routes between Berlin and West Germany.

65- The first manned spacecraft to be launched was the soviet‘s Vostok 1, which left earth in 1961.

66- In November of 1970, the soviet Union landed an unmanned, remote-controlled vehicle on the moon.

67- Both American and soviet spacecraft have dropped probes into the atmosphere of the planet Venus.

68- North Korea has traditionally followed the ideology of the soviet Union in its form of communism.

69- In November 1956, a Hungarian uprising against the rule from Moscow was crushed by soviet troops.

70- There are large numbers of ethnic Germans living in some of the countries of the former soviet Union.

71- The Republic of Kyrgyzstan suffered a period of confusion and violence as the soviet Union dissolved.

72- In March of 1966, a soviet spacecraft landed on Venus, the first spacecraft to land on another planet.

73- In 1962, two soviet spacecraft circled Earth in adjacent orbits, and were in visual and radio contact.

74- The Republic of Kyrgyzstan suffered a period of confusion and violence as the soviet Union broke apart.

75- Growing grapes is one of the most profitable business ventures in the former soviet republic of Moldova.

76- At midnight of December 31, 1990, the soviet flag atop the Kremlin was replaced by the Russian tricolor.

77- Robert Hansen was arrested on suspicion of having sold off secret information to the former soviet Union.

78- In October of 1944, soviet troops invaded Czechoslovakia as German forces retreated during World War Two.

79- In February of 1972, a spacecraft from the soviet Union returned to earth with samples of the moon’s surface.

80- soviet doctors have noticed a tendency by people living near Chernobyl to blame any and all ills on radiation.

81- The U.S. made a tactical nuclear strike against the soviet Union in their war games exercises.

82- Former soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was immediately identifiable by his bald head with a large red birthmark.

83- In 1969, the soviet Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 linked up to become the first manned spacecraft to dock in Earth’s orbit.

84- Following the break up of the soviet Union, Russia has been keen to maintain an influence in the Caucasus region.

85- In February of 1990, the soviet Union agreed to withdraw all of its 73,500 troops from Czechoslovakia by July 1991.

86- The transition from a communist to a market economy has been difficult for a number of the former soviet republics.

87- There has been a great deal of migration to Israel of Jews from the former soviet republics over the last few years.

88- Mikhail Gorbachev resigned following his failure to prevent the break-up of the soviet Union into independent states.

89- The conflict for fresh water is growing in many of the former soviet republics, which share many of the same waterways.

90- The President issued a stark warning to the soviet leader, remove the nuclear missiles from Cuba or face an all-out war.

91- In the late 1980s, huge crowds of demonstrators in Latvia demanded democracy and an end to soviet rule of their country.

92- During the 1950s, many American families built air raid shelters to protect against a nuclear attack by the soviet Union.

93- The U.S. Library of Congress houses the largest collection of Russian literature outside the soviet Union.

94- The first Central Committee of the Communist Party in the soviet Union was founded in 1912 by a group led by Vladimir Lenin.

95- soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived in exile in the U.S. until the fall of communism in his homeland.

96- In November 1987, Boris Yeltsin was removed as Moscow Communist Party chief after criticizing the slow pace of soviet reform.

97- In October of 1962, President John F.

98- Kennedy was informed that the soviet Union had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba.

99- When Kazakhstan became independent in 1991, it had no military because its defense had always been handled by the soviet army.

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