soviet in a sentence 4

Use ‘soviet’ in a sentence | ‘soviet’ example sentences

150- In 1957, nuclear wastes stored by the soviet Union in a remote mountain region of the Urals exploded: radioactive contamination affected thousands of square miles, and several villages had to be permanently evacuated.

151- In 1957, nuclear wastes stored by the soviet Union in a remote mountain region of the Urals exploded.

152- Radioactive contamination affected thousands of square miles, and several villages had to be permanently evacuated.

153- Ronald Reagan signed a landmark missile agreement with the soviet Union.

154- Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush realized it with the soviet Union.

155- It became his first significant act of dissent against the soviet system.

156- Moldova, an ex-soviet republic, was part of Romania between 1918 and 1940.

157- They began to return to Crimea after the fall of the soviet Union in 1991.

158- Finding no allies in the West, he sought assistance from the soviet Union.

159- SPIEGEL: Would it have been better if the soviet Union had remained intact?

160- Seven people were arrested, including two officers of the former soviet army.

161- The soviet Union accused the United States of encouraging Israeli aggression.

162- The fight for soviet Jewry changed the landscape of politics in our country.”

163- soviet troops seized the islands just after Japan surrendered in World War II.

164- In 1942, the Allies stopped the Axis advance in North Africa and the soviet Union.

165- In 1933, the United States established diplomatic relations with the soviet Union.

166- Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal with the collapse of the soviet Union in 1991.

167- Minister Elkin noted that he made aliya 25 years ago from the former soviet Union.

168- They all built up empires in the wild years after the collapse of the soviet Union.

169- Liberation of Auschwitz 9 photos soviet soldiers are seen with liberated prisoners.

170- That is why nuclear disarmament was the highest priority for soviet foreign policy.

171- When Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn won, in 1970, his books were banned in the soviet Union.

172- The talks came after the leaders honored soviet soldiers killed during World War II.

173- But the fight against the inertial forces of the post-soviet regime is far from won.

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