sniper in a sentence 3

Use ‘sniper’ in a sentence | ‘sniper’ example sentences

101- Chopper approached Stig, who, although blind, was to act as a sniper near the finish line.

102- J. Rubakho, a Soviet Marine sniper who killed more than 300 Axis soldiers and fell in 1943.

103- Belorussian gun’s tank sniper named Andrej Usov knocked out the leading German tank with its first shot.

104- Takeo Takeo is a tall, purple-haired man, who uses a large sniper gun that is carried in a massive casket.

105- The original plan for Operation Showdown called for simultaneous attacks on both Triangle Hill and sniper Ridge.

106- sniper Raess *Killed in action A Tanith, Raess has a high hit score that is still noticeably lower than Larkin’s.

107- The sniper believes him dead and begins to leave, only to be caught by a very much alive Peter who beats him to death.

108- Uvogin was so strong, direct hits from bullets, sniper bullets, and even anti-tank rockets did no visible damage to him.

109- Colonel Donald Paquette of the US sniper School was present and laid a wreath as a sign of respect to a legendary sniper.

110- Kosuna is the former apprentice of the Shimmer sniper with a goal to become the desert’s number one “power babe” mercenary.

111- Before he fires a shot, Gideon materializes and gives the sniper a choice to either face him or throw himself from the cliff.

112- Sneijder was given the nickname ‘The sniper‘ by the Media for his ability to deliver perfect passes and score from amazing distances.

113- The Ranger sniper separates himself from the group and sets up his SR-25 rifle, surveying the area.

114- Mikhi shoots Gregor anyway, the sniper shoots Natacha, and Mikhi leaves with the case and the money.

115- An mp5 has been confirmed for the game as well as a sniper rifle (although the exact model is unknown).

116- The Mercury Bow is an advanced sniper rifle that uses railgun technology to propel a frozen mercury sliver.

117- In January 2005, Joe attended US Army sniper School and graduated Top Gun (Highest Marksmanship) of his class.

118- The sniper uses the sling to “lock-in” by wrapping his non-firing arm into the sling forcing his arm to be still.

119- A range of weapons are available including rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, handguns, shotguns, melee, and grenades.

120- A sniper stationed close by killed one of the men and soldiers sent to the scene charged the other attacker and shot him.

121- ” sniper fire” was also reported throughout the city, targeted at rescue helicopters, relief workers, and police officers.

122- A modern example is the sniper Juba of the Islamic Army in Iraq during the Iraqi Insurgency who claims to have killed 143 US soldiers.

123- De Baroid p. 246 * 13 July 1981: A British soldier was shot and wounded in the arm by an IRA sniper in the Springhill area of Belfast.

124- The book was released in September 2003 and is entitled Three Weeks in October: The Manhunt for the Serial sniper (ISBN 0-525-94777-9).

125- The only female soldier in the detachment is Maria Filatovna (Izolda Izvitskaya), a sniper who has already killed forty enemy soldiers.

126- The Savage 10FP is a bolt-action sniper/tactical rifle manufactured by the Savage Arms Company and based on the Savage Model 110 rifle.

127- Jones, pp. 95, 97 Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori converted 5,300 specially selected m/1896 long rifles to m/1941 sniper rifles in 1941-1943.

128- sniper/Trooper Rhen Merrt *Killed in action He was one of the original Tanith snipers with a hit rate lower than Larkin’s or Rilke’s but still impressive.

129- The 7.62 mm Galil sniper (Galil Tzalafim, or Galatz) is a derivative of the ARM that is used with high quality 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition for consistent accuracy.

130- Marcus is perched in the back of the theater armed with a sniper rifle and Dr Poque is in the front row along with his laptop which is uplinked to the FALZ Agent.

131- The ruler Isu Nisnoni was killed by a sniper from Amabi in 1889, although the colonial authorities successfully prevented a confrontation between the two princedoms.

132- One is a suicide by hanging, while the other man had been a sniper who had completely enclosed himself in a nest of razor wire to prevent anything from getting to him.

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