sniper in a sentence

Use ‘sniper’ in a sentence | ‘sniper’ example sentences

1- Said snipers are jailed down the street.

2- The sniper fled and was never positively identified.

3- Both jobs were accomplished despite continuous harassment by enemy sniper fire.

4- The mysterious shooter uses a suppressed sniper rifle.

5- British forces returned fire and killed five snipers .

6- The roster includes both snipers and explosives technicians.

7- IDF snipers used abandoned houses as firing positions.

8- Some police sniper operations begin with military assistance.

9- The snipers’ identities are still disputed.

10- They are using firearms, including sniper rifles.

11- Among those killed were allegedly three Iranian snipers .

12- Historically, captured snipers are often summarily executed.

13- I was told from a sniper bullet.

14- There is noticeable sway when using the sniper scope.

15- He had taken it off a sniper .

16- The city was bombarded with shells and sniper shooting.

17- This created easy targets for mortars and snipers .

18- Civilian snipers were executed on the spot.

19- This is why snipers have a significant advantage.

20- Police sniper rifles may use shorter barrels to improve handling characteristics.

21- Taliban snipers have themselves caused problems for coalition forces.

22- A group of protesters are targeted by sniper fire.

23- Can’t walk calmly under threat of sniper fire?

24- The sniper has average movement and excellent long-range firepower.

25- A sniper was targeting refugees in Stockholm.

26- Under German sniper doctrine you stay concealed.

27- They also may employ long-range sniper fire.

28- The gun crew was subsequently silenced by Australian sniper fire.

29- This rifle was mostly used by Confederate snipers .

30- A Reuters cameraman is shot dead by suspected sniper fire.

31- Special military forces were guarding the roof, including snipers .

32- Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.

33- Barker’s squad was suddenly hit by enemy sniper fire.

34- The sniper‘s skills are verifiable and documented.

35- More snipers , more truck bombs, more fear.

36- The sniper‘s body is dead before it hits the ground.

37- Then came military service and a training film on snipers .

38- It was comforting to learn that serial snipers weren’t normal.

39- Start up the steps where the sniper came down.

40- Some players choose the waiting game… the snipers . Toronto sniper Phil Kessel continues to struggle with his goal output.

41- Robie takes a typical assignment and shoots someone using a sniper scope.

42- The guards have been bolstered by new equipment, including sniper rifles.

43- Three years later, he published his best-selling memoir, American sniper.

44- Prosecution expected to rest in ‘American sniper‘ trial Former Marine Cpl.

45- Three years later, he published his best-selling memoir, “American sniper.”

46- The director of American sniper, Clint Eastwood, is no stranger to westerns.

47- “I saw ‘American sniper‘ and would not consider myself to be an angry person.

48- Staying low and out of the way of sniper fire, the men unfurl the Iraqi flag.

49- Armed police patrolled the area, and a sniper could be seen on a nearby rooftop.

50- A trained military rifleman, not a sniper, would hit about 5 percent of the time.

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