sniper in a sentence 2

Use ‘sniper’ in a sentence | ‘sniper’ example sentences

51- Where there was occasional sniper fire two years ago, mortars are now being fired.

52- Also in the audience was Taya Kyle, widow of Chris Kyle of “American sniper” fame.

53- There are a number of other such divergences and cinematic inventions in “sniper.”

54- American sniper director Clint Eastwood joked around with his star, Bradley Cooper.

55- In the U.S., two movies, “Jurassic World” and “American sniper,” ranked behind Odom.

56- Abu Ubaid, a sniper, has been stationed at the Musharak outpost there since early April.

57- Kyle is the subject of the box-office smash and Oscar-nominated movie “American sniper.”

58- I’ve seen it all but even most HTC were decent to talk to, unlike that crazy sniper dude!

59- Kyle went on to serve four tours in Iraq, earning the title “America’s deadliest sniper.”

60- I’d never seen that footage before in the ending of sniper with the multitudes of people.

61- At about 14:00 Kyiv time, the town of Maryinka was under sniper fire,” the press center said.

62- The record opening for “sniper” also raises the box office average for the Best Picture nominees.

63- The strong start for “American sniper” was boosted by the Oscar nomination of star Bradley Cooper.

64- On the day of Carlyle’s firing, former Leafs coach Ron Wilson ripped into Toronto sniper Phil Kessel.

65- Harnden, 424 The Drumintee sniper party was never caught.

66- Elsewhere, a young black man walks out of a downtown building and is shot by a sniper.

67- While running from cover to the APC, he was shot in the head by a sniper and killed instantly.

68- Guns are categorized by type: Rifles, Submachine guns, sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Grenade Launchers, and Machine Guns.

69- Col.), Shots Fired In Anger, NRA Press (1981), p. 392 By all accounts, the M1903A4 was inadequate as a sniper rifle.

70- Sir Francis T. “Duke” Woolridge (sniper) An aristocrat from Sheffield famous for being cool, quiet, and distinguished.

71- As a sniper, she made her first two kills near Belyayevka, using a Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle with a P.E. 4-power scope.

72- When Carl Hitchcock turns up dead from an apparent suicide he decides to investigate further to clear a fellow sniper‘s name.

73- However, he himself is repeatedly wounded in the process; before he can kill himself, the sniper shoots the gun out of his hand.

74- Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeff L. Pursley (foreground), a Corpsman with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment’s sniper platoon, and Cpl.

75- ;Episode 17 – Watch for snipers (狙撃注意) Putin stops the car at a roadblock, which is a trap by the police to kill them with sniper rifles.

76- In Hell’s Highway, it is revealed that Leggett actually got into a fight with Allen, which resulted in Garnett’s death by a sniper shot to the head.

77- Sin has a sniper set up, who effectively takes out part of Sejong’s elite team, though Sin’s sister is caught in the crossfire and suffers a bullet wound.

78- The loss of his wife and disappearance of the baby, it is theorized, motivated Swagger to take a third tour of duty, this time as a sniper, and establishing his legend.

79- Believing Taffet will not get convicted, Brennan’s father Max tries to kill her with a sniper rifle, but Booth is able to stop him and Max is put in jail until the trial is over.

80- He was killed by enemy sniper fire three days later.

81- An unknown sniper begins helping them, whose face is not revealed.

82- Harrow, a former sniper, is convinced by Jimmy not to submit to the test.

83- Paddock later pushes the sniper that killed Cole out of the Church window.

84- “Kennedy is Killed by sniper as He Rides in Car in Dallas; Johnson Sworn in on Plane”.

85- An Israeli army sniper kills Hamas member Hussam Hamdan, son of top Hamas political leader Ahmad Nimr.

86- 4. sniper /counter-sniper training consisting of 4 weeks of training for those assigned to sniper positions.

87- Jules is hit by the sniper, and a hail of bullets rain on Sam until other team members come to help him move Jules.

88- Mooney moves towards the stairway to verify this and is shot in the wrists by an FBI sniper stationed across the street.

89- Many Mk.3s and Mk.2/1s (Mk.2s Modified to Mk.3 standard) were later modified for use with the 7.62 mm NATO L42A1 sniper Rifle.

90- The COBRA forces moved ahead of the forces at night to sanitise the area of the operation, armed with sniper guns and night vision telescopes.

91- Courageously advancing alone to an open knoll to plot mortar concentrations against the hill, he was killed instantly by an enemy sniper‘s fire.

92- The album garnered USS a fan base when the first single “Hollow Point sniper Hyperbole” gained popularity and play on alternative radio stations across Ontario.

93- Bishop, Mallie, p116-117 A loyalist sniper shot dead Gerald McAuley (15), a member of the Fianna (IRA’s youth wing), as he helped people flee their homes on Bombay Street.

94- And Young or Marine sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills.

95- Psg is short for Prickskyttegevär (“sniper Rifle”).

96- Nick says he hired a sniper in case this were to happen.

97- The Chinese Imperial Army and the Boxers kept up the sniper barrage.

98- Crossfire uses twin handguns and a sniper rifle as his weapons of choice.

99- Meanwhile, 47 is watching her from afar, through the scope of his sniper rifle.

100- sniper (2005) is a graphic account of genocide and torture in an un-named country.

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