simulating in a sentence

Use ‘simulating’ in a sentence | ‘simulating’ example sentences

1- The exponential distribution is often used for simulating continuous arrival patterns.

2- There are problems in simulating natural seasonal variability.

3- The process for simulating growth or movement is simple.

4- Functions for simulating particular item and test structures are included.

5- The researchers created a mathematical model simulating adolescent drug use.

6- Planning involves simulating a difficult or irreversible search.

7- Usually twelve callers are taken, simulating a criminal jury.

8- I began using glasses simulating macular degeneration.

9- simulating large numbers of processors requires sufficient main memory.

10- I haven’t had much trouble simulating a middle click.

11- Changing product mix was one way of simulating budget accomplishment.

12- Like anything, you train by simulating race conditions.

13- At each point, we are simulating a potential leader position.

14- A false start includes simulating a charge or start of play.

15- I would suggest simulating the results before jumping to conclusion.

16- It is simulating the NFL – a real experience .

17- It can never parallel the exact physical thing it is simulating .

18- Such speed is useful for simulating many loads but has restricted versatility.

19- They are efficient when simulating sparse systems with frequent discontinuities.

20- We should concentrate, instead, upon simulating nonrandom death.

21- An aeroballistic range is particularly useful for simulating very high speed flight.

22- Models Physical three-dimensional constructions simulating a building or neighbourhood.

23- Basically, you are simulating a mother’s life.

24- Photo cell lighting is also an inexpensive way of simulating activity.

25- In prison, she is injected with drugs, simulating death.

26- By simulating thousands of clusters of galaxies, Henry.

27- The analysis was conducted simulating a population of 1,000 American women.

28- This provides simulating FO radio frequencies for communication.

29- It has special-purpose pipelines for simulating molecular dynamics.

30- More accurate methods of simulating a human body were necessary to advance.

31- This engine is capable of simulating thousands of physical objects at once.

32- Is another Monte Carlo neutral transport code for simulating fusion plasmas.

33- A set of gates for simulating digital VLSI transistors exists.

34- simulating a weathered and beaten piece of leather is easy.

35- VRSG sensor views simulating a Predator UAV camera payload.

36- But what of Turing Machines simulating our minds?

37- simulating a child will always be too unrealistic.

38- A good kit for simulating roofs on a variety of structures.

39- CoaSim – software for simulating genetic data under the coalescent model.

40- The body could easily be that of a actress simulating death. The fundamental equations they solve do a good job of simulating atmosphere and ocean circulations.

41- The Batfish “Platax pinnatus” has been observed to significantly reduce algal growths in studies simulating overfishing.

42- In prison, she is injected with drugs, simulating death.

43- The DOE plans to use the computer for simulating how nuclear materials age in order to predict whether the USA’s aging arsenal of nuclear weapons are safe and reliable.

44- OLI Analyzer is a computer software used for simulating aqueous -based chemical systems.

45- The measured criteria for transistors are recorded in model files given to designers for simulating their circuits before simulation.

46- The AAD Missile was tested on December 2007 which successfully intercepted a modified Prithvi missile simulating the M-9 and M-11 class of ballistic missiles.

47- Wesson sold additional packs of sectors simulating other parts of the US.

48- The finger is then placed between the nose and the lips, simulating a moustache.

49- The role of magnetic resonance imaging in children with intraocular tumors and simulating lesions.

50- The PEAR base classes contain code for simulating object-oriented destructors and consistent error-handling.

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