simulator in a sentence

Use ‘simulator’ in a sentence | ‘simulator’ example sentences

1- This simulator has three simulated business environments.

2- A simulator typically requires significant additional development effort.

3- Personal finance financial calculators extra repayments simulator .

4- The route has been featured in several train simulator games.

5- An app simulator is provided for testing .

6- What commenced was basically a rudimentary dating simulator .

7- Magic Edge provides flight simulator style entertainment.

8- The flight simulator was created using custom 3D graphics code.

9- Could a glider flight simulator attract new blood?

10- Subjects were tested individually in the driving simulator .

11- The following sections describes ways to solve problems with simulator noise.

12- It was prepared by using a weld thermal cycle simulator .

13- A key attribute of any simulator is accuracy.

14- The forward skirt and fifth segment simulator were made of steel.

15- The simulator still works for this data type.

16- Train simulator – a simulation of rail transport operations.

17- The simulator is housed in a simulated subway tunnel.

18- Students began with academic classroom and simulator instruction.

19- There are 11 vintage 1967 tracks included with the simulator .

20- City game and car simulator is a cool economic game !

21- The driving simulator building happens to have both .

22- Here is the simulator you saw above.

23- This training is analogous to using a flight simulator .

24- The world’s most advanced crash simulator .

25- In 1994, a motion simulator theatre ride was added.

26- A black box simulator represents the opponent’s moves.

27- The following screenshot below displays the iPhone 4 simulator .

28- Before driving actual vehicles participants are trained on simulators .

29- Such machines are known as “rowing simulators “.

30- Using one of many flight simulator software packages available for computers.

31- A dive simulator allows you to plan dives and predict stops.

32- It is near the middle of the simulator panel.

33- The box containing the flight simulator controller can be slightly misleading.

34- Run the simulator to check whether we are close.

35- How does the words trade simulator make you feel?

36- My project was an economic simulator game written in Java.

37- Region modules hook directly into the simulator to provide additional functionality.

38- The software has been developed to make the simulator flexible.

39- Diagnosis is also taught on the simulator .

40- The game is a simulator of off-road vehicles. The astronauts practiced on the flight simulator for months.

41- Find someone who has played with a computer flight simulator.

42- simultaneousFor all the fun of the simulator, the F-35 project has not been without its probleMs. Pilots will need to pass an oral test and a flight simulator test to continue flying, the CAA said.

43- The game is a boxing simulator played in the first person view.

44- An early form of flight simulator was also used and was visible from the public road.

45- ” Personal simulator rides More recently, one to two person simulator rides have appeared.

46- Spielberg requested that Alexander see what he can do with a simulator ride concept of Back to the Future.

47- For example, deathmatch in the Halo series of games is named “Slayer”, and in Perfect Dark the name “Combat simulator” is used.

48- The Super Jinsei Game Series were a series of Super Famicom life simulator video games that allowed players to pick their own career unlike the Bakushou!

49- SubLOGIC flight simulators Animation from Flight simulator 1 for Apple II.

50- In 2000, Foss served as a consultant on the popular computer game Combat Flight simulator 2 by Microsoft.

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