simply in a sentence 3

Use ‘simply’ in a sentence | ‘simply’ example sentences

101- The project has been axed because it’s simply too expensive to run.

102- Your low mark in biology simply reflects your total lack of effort.

103- This medicine can be taken internally or simply rubbed on the skin.

104- Plutarch once stated that character is simply habit long continued.

105- He is out of shape simply due to inactivity and poor eating habits.

106- The goal of our initial meeting is to simply get to know each other.

107- The fireworks during the Commonwealth Games were simply spectacular.

108- Most public places are simply not geared to people with disabilities.

109- Most people obey the law simply because they believe that it is right.

110- The steak was cooked to perfection, tender, juicy and simply delicious.

111- Some people suggest that lottery tickets are simply a tax on stupidity.

112- He was dismissed, simply because he failed to work as hard as possible.

113- Rap music often simply exaggerates the normal rhythm of spoken English.

114- The note was simply signed ‘anonymous’, so we don’t know who it is from.

115- Crabs can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped limb.

116- Larry thinks that anyone who opposes the war is simply a naive idealist.

117- It is simply astonishing how fast that new guy has risen in this company.

118- Your children’s good manners are simply a reflection of their upbringing.

119- I prefer a car which is simply functional to some luxury or sporty model.

120- Her wedding gown was simply exquisite.

121- She looked like a princess.

122- The student’s excuse for handing his essay in late simply wasn’t credible.

123- Elizabeth Seaton once advised, “Live simply that others might simply live.

124- “Woody Harrelson once said that a grown-up is simply a child with layers on.

125- He will never get a promotion in this company because he is simply too lazy.

126- The players felt that they had lost the game simply due to poor officiating.

127- When we die, I think that we simply cease to exist for the rest of eternity.

128- Crabs can escape danger by simply leaving an injured or trapped limb behind.

129- In my opinion, revenge simply gives your enemy another excuse to attack you.

130- Sandra simply can’t afford to clothe her children in all the newest fashions.

131- It simply didn’t occur to me that I could use the Internet to do my research.

132- William Inge once suggested that originality is simply undetected plagiarism.

133- Swimmer Mark Spitz’s performance in the Munich Olympics was simply spectacular.

134- It is completely unethical to pass a student simply because she is your friend.

135- As Oscar Wilde once said, experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes.

136- The goal of this change to the rules is simply to reduce violence in our school.

137- Our company simply doesn’t have the resources to take on a project of that size.

138- Someone once said that advice is simply a way of recycling experiences we have had.

139- Henry is a total conformist who does things simply to fit in with those around him.

140- She claims to be a spiritual healer who can cure diseases simply by touching people.

141- The movie “The Cell” has scenes of nightmarish beauty that are simply unforgettable.

142- The hostess looked simply gorgeous in a plain black dress with a necklace of pearls.

143- Kreighoff tried vainly to change his partner’s mind, but it simply couldn’t be done.

144- His new book is simply a continuation of the story which began in his previous novel.

145- Psychologists regard learning as more than simply the process of acquiring knowledge.

146- Franz Grillparzer once noted that in writing, the real genres are simply good and bad.

147- I, Stallone, am not such as to be scared simply of being the guinea pig for some test.

148- He has to have a costly operation, but they simply don’t have the money to pay for it.

149- My children are pestering me to take them to Disneyland, but we simply can’t afford it.

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