simply in a sentence 2

Use ‘simply’ in a sentence | ‘simply’ example sentences

51- It may simply be abrasions from rubbing on the rocks.

52- Automated blasting is simply the automation of the abrasive blasting process.

53- We felt that his thoughts were simply too earnest to abridge .

54- Leveson enclosed all the woodland, simply abrogating the commoners’ rights.

55- In venomous usage , the word simply isn’t abetting progress.

56- It’s simply too cold today.

57- You were simply tired.

58- OpiejayShe is doing her hair simply.

59- He did it simply out of curiosity.

60- He solved all of the problems simply.

61- I work simply because I like to work.

62- He simply shrugged off my suggestion.

63- The flowers in your garden are simply beautiful!I simply cannot put up with her manners.

64- It’s simply too hot to do anything today.

65- I’ll treat this play simply as a tragedy.

66- Our new car is simply a delight to drive.

67- The car simply gleamed after I’d washed it.

68- His success is simply due to his hard work.

69- Death is simply a part of the cycle of life.

70- She looked simply gorgeous in her new dress.

71- Happiness does not consist simply in wealth.

72- Her dance performance was simply outstanding.

73- She was absent simply because she caught cold.

74- The gardens on the estate are simply beautiful.

75- The ultimate source of all life is simply water.

76- We were simply stunned to hear of his sudden death.

77- The guy is crazy, you simply can’t reason with him.

78- simply repeating the same method won’t do any good.

79- The fireworks show last night was simply marvelous.

80- It is simply against my principles to lie to anyone.

81- The heart is simply a big muscle used to pump blood.

82- He is a lazy worker, and simply doesn’t do his part.

83- The weather was simply beautiful during our holidays.

84- Vijay Singh is simply the best golfer in the world today.

85- The costumes in the musical “Cats” were simply incredible.

86- These are facts, and as such, they are simply not alterable.

87- You are overweight simply because you never do any exercise.

88- Kyoung-Jin is a chronic smoker, and is simply unable to quit.

89- They were simply appalled by the poor manners of the children.

90- Everyone admired his effort, but the guy simply had no talent.

91- When we heard that you were coming, we were simply overwhelmed.

92- We lost the game simply because the competition was too strong.

93- She was in agony because of her cancer and simply wanted to die.

94- Does jail prevent crime or does it simply act as a school for criminals?The largest part of the rocket is used simply to carry the fuel.

95- He knew he was wrong, but he was simply too stubborn to admit it.

96- That cheese really smells strong, but it tastes simply delicious.

97- What he told us the other day simply doesn’t make sense, does it?

98- The garments on display at the fashion show were simply fantastic.

99- When she didn’t come to work, I simply presumed that she was sick.

100- She looked simply stunning in a classic red strapless evening gown.

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