shuttered in a sentence 2

Use ‘shuttered’ in a sentence | ‘shuttered’ example sentences

50- Prineville got its first Starbucks in 2006, and a plan was floated to reopen the city’s long-shuttered movie theater.

51- Perón’s election that February handed the UIA its most serious setback since its establishment, however, when the President ordered it shuttered in 1947.

52- Civilian return to the town was slow, with shops still shuttered on 16 December.

53- By 1998, StreetLevel Records had been shuttered, inaugurating a period of label-hopping.

54- Denim finishing continued until 2006, when the mill shuttered completely and all processing equipment was removed.

55- The company shuttered its other American factories and became an importer, sourcing out their manufacturing to foreign markets.

56- There were four double-shuttered sails and a six-veined fantail which were attached to machinery contained within a revolving cap.

57- There were silver butter-lamps on the altar, and massive copper teapots on the sideboard, all gleaming in the shuttered semi-darkness.

58- The mall was closed and shuttered on February 12, 2006, giving the current 30 or so stores chances to relocate and sell off their merchandise.

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