shorter in a sentence 4

Use ‘shorter’ in a sentence | ‘shorter’ example sentences

150- The weakness of humans players should make the Arimaa Challenge easier to conquer than chess, which compensates developers for having studied the problem for a shorter time.

151- Jerri seems to have quite a collection of wigs (her hairstyle changes constantly, growing longer or shorter within a single episode) and wears an inordinate amount of makeup.

152- Nowadays, many pre-schools advise parents to dress their children with a grembiulino, i.e., a small grembiule, usually shorter and more colourful, that can be purchased cheaply.

153- From 2006-2008, he conducted the shorter Chorus.

154- These lobes are often clearly shorter than the tube.

155- The four-wheel drive 505 also had shorter gear ratios.

156- Rob presents the shorter Reporting Scotland programmes.

157- Revolvers with 4 inch and shorter barrels did not have an ejector.

158- El Niño events seem to become shorter but more frequent in a warmer climate.

159- Second Cortina War In May 1861, the much shorter Second Cortina War occurred.

160- The female is smaller and duller than male, with shorter tails and less ocelli.

161- Females have no bars, white fins and shorter, more rounded dorsal and anal fins.

162- Grenville was slightly shorter as she used compact Yarrow-type side fired boilers.

163- Each is 10 cars long on the Northeast Corridor, but much shorter for the outer tracks.

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