shorter in a sentence

Use ‘shorter’ in a sentence | ‘shorter’ example sentences

1- A lower colour linear indicator is becoming shorter .

2- How short does ” shorter ” mean?

3- More frequently used words are typically shorter .

4- She still occasionally writes shorter category romances.

5- A short answer very much shorter answer is yes.

6- I believe that shorter prayer rules are better.

7- The primary impact is slightly shorter growing seasons in northern areas.

8- Twitter requires shorter posts and certain abbreviations.

9- Outdoor cats typically live much shorter lives than indoor cats.

10- The book is a few pages shorter .

11- This figure includes races at shorter distances.

12- Students compose solo pieces in shorter forms.

13- It has shorter walks for wheelchair users.

14- Individual programs may set shorter time limits.

15- The deep water between the fast water was getting shorter .

16- The cache tags are a little shorter too.

17- More doctors means less delays and shorter waiting times.

18- The following table shows these shorter recovery periods.

19- Only two shorter quotes are given here.

20- The central web is therefore much shorter than conventional rails.

21- A ” shorter ” headway signifies a more frequent service.

22- They are generally much shorter in length.

23- Some leases were continued despite the shorter range.

24- The shorter runners results in improved horsepower.

25- For shorter periods dry cell batteries may be used.

26- There are many shorter single and radio edits.

27- Keep each introduction shorter than 60 seconds.

28- The producers came back saying “much better shorter .

29- It weighs approximately 15 lbs and is 2 inches shorter .

30- Higher current densities tend to favor shorter wavelengths.

31- The rifle has a slightly shorter butt.

32- The compact versions also utilize shorter magazines.

33- The rock leads are shorter and more precise.

34- Calcium deposits are left behind when flooding is shorter .

35- Other animals were selected for much shorter periods.

36- Races are shorter than world class events.

37- These shorter posts are ultra specific in nature.

38- So are shorter videos really better for learning?

39- Make shorter flights that require less fuel .

40- The code got shorter and much more readable . Also published was “A shorter ‘Finnegans Wake”,’ Burgess’s abridgement .

41- I am shorter than he.

42- He’s shorter than Tom.

43- I am shorter than you.

44- I was the shorter of us two.

45- The days are becoming shorter.

46- My sister is shorter than you.

47- He was rather shorter with me.

48- He is the shorter of the two boys.

49- They are demanding shorter working hours.

50- Could you make it a little shorter for me?

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