shorter in a sentence 2

Use ‘shorter’ in a sentence | ‘shorter’ example sentences

51- The days grow shorter as winter approaches.

52- A lunar month is shorter than a calendar month.

53- With the coming of winter, days are getting shorter.

54- The days are gradually getting shorter as winter approaches.

55- If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty.

56- My brother is two years older than I, but he is three centimeters shorter.

57- I think your essay would be more effective if you made it shorter, and more direct.

58- She had her hair cut because she liked shorter hair, not because she had lost her love.

59- It’s quite possible that there are times I am half awake, and thus the day feels shorter.

60- Make sure the duration of your speech is shorter than the attention span of your audience.

61- Can you cut the stems of those roses a little bit shorter? They are too tall for this vase.

62- She made it in a total of hours and minutes, which is shorter than the previous record by hours.

63- Pigs can be taught to accomplish almost any feat a dog can master, and usually in a shorter period of time.

64- Can you cut it like this, please?

65- A little shorter in the front and a little longer on the sides, please.

66- Mexican artist Frida Kahlo suffered from polio as a child, a disease which twisted her foot and made her right leg shorter than her left.

67- Arnold Glasow once said that your body is the baggage you must carry through life, and the more excess baggage you have, the shorter the trip.

68- In the fall, when the days grew shorter and the nights colder, she watched the first frost turn the leaves to bright yellow and orange and red.

69- There is prejudice everywhere, against other races, the opposite gender, those who are older, younger, shorter, poorer, richer, less educated, etc.

70- Muriel Spark once suggested, “A short neck denotes a good mind.

71- You see, the messages go quicker to the brain because they’ve shorter to go.

72- “The key is paying less interest through shorter terms or lower rates.

73- Then he missed an even shorter one to win the match on the final hole.

74- 634707Some have longer or shorter hair and colors across the rainbow.

75- N-acetyl-p-aminophenol 5pts And that’s called having a shorter life span.

76- Solicitor General Donald Verrilli suggested the shorter extension instead.

77- His expertise in the shorter forms of the game will be vital, Strauss said.

78- Nothing is new forever: product life cycles are shorter and more compressed.

79- The changes should bring those workers either more pay or a shorter workweek.

80- “As time went on, the days were getting shorter and we were getting desperate.

81- During the monsoon months, the walk is shorter because a well close by fills up.

82- The higher the decibel level, the shorter the time workers can be exposed to it.

83- Aalto, Cherns, and Szczesiul-like Bielik-started out running shorter road races.

84- They won’t be at a breakout point that is shorter than the one that exists today.

85- Another proposal calls for even shorter shot clocks following offensive rebounds.

86- Lonnie Minkel’s road to a new flat-screen was shorter, albeit a little more bumpy.

87- Syndicated columnist Whenever the stock market is going nutty, my hair gets shorter.

88- Balancing a budget in eight years is a shorter time frame than others have proposed.

89- And I needed something shorter for an accounts on Steam, PSN, Origin and all the rest.

90- And while no one likes tax increases, this one is fairly small and shorter in duration.

91- Perhaps that’s because the idea of shorter winters and longer summers doesn’t sound so bad.

92- Pre’s sister Linda and 1972 Olympic teammate Frank shorter were on hand to honor his memory.

93- Consumers are demanding shorter and more recognisable ingredient lists on the foods they buy.

94- “If goodwill (among creditors) is forthcoming, it will make the process smoother and shorter.

95- shorter delays, as others have calculated, raise that contribution up to about 0.1°C (0.18°F).

96- “People will make a little change — like taking shorter showers — and get paid a little bit.

97- 792095The same can be said of Owen Hargreaves, though over a considerably shorter time period.

98- Well, it’s still shorter than the undercard + main event of each of the three previous debates.

99- Although a good eight inches shorter than Bolt, the 20-year-old scoffs at the height difference.

100- Compared with the general population, people with type 1 diabetes have a shorter life expectancy.

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