sharpen in a sentence

Use ‘sharpen’ in a sentence | ‘sharpen’ example sentences

1- The coup attempt sharpened domestic political rivalries.

2- The bronze blade is sharpened on both edges.

3- But skills are built and attention sharpened .

4- I push buttons or sharpen pencils to calm myself.

5- They sharpen competition and deepen distinctions between them.

6- Our vision is sharpened with this tool.

7- The eyes sharpened a little with forced awareness.

8- These meetings sharpened our understanding and helped develop independent thinking.

9- It sharpened the pain above my left eye.

10- Best safety requires that the chain is properly sharpened .

11- Lower tax rates have sharpened incentives in business.

12- Have these professionally sharpened once every two years.

13- The best is sharpened by the best.

14- They sharpen their skills with video games .

15- It CAN sharpen skills and reveal enemy weaknesses.

16- His motto was, ” sharpen your bayonet”.

17- The latter operation is sometimes called sharpening .

18- The extra clearance is needed when sharpening long blades.

19- One key sharpening parameter is the depth gauge setting.

20- Blade mills were used for sharpening newly made blades.

21- Get your shorthand skills sharpened and come through.

22- In some kind of witch tower sharpened some princess.

23- I let the bear’s power sharpen my senses.

24- A chill sharpened the flavour of the water.

25- He will sharpen stern wrath as a sword.

26- You must learn to sharpen your tongue, sir.

27- A student stands to sharpen a pencil during a class activity.

28- Matt uses his sharpened senses to train himself in martial arts.

29- Two incidents sharpened their interest in an alternative leadership.

30- The sensation sharpened and she gave it more attention.

31- They also switched from worked bone tools to sharpened stone tools.

32- The animal slaughtered must be killed quickly with a sharpened blade.

33- Then turn the blade to sharpen the reverse side.

34- The upper inclined portion of the blade may be sharpened .

35- To strike with the sharpened edge is to “chop”.

36- Professionals are also employed to sharpen blades to individual requirements.

37- His writings were sharpened and made more poignant by his troubles.

38- Clean the bases and sharpen the edges.

39- The borders of edit boxes and drop downs have been sharpened .

40- It refined my writing ability and sharpened my listening . I want a knife to sharpen my pencil with.

41- Make sure you sharpen your pencils before the test begins.

42- We’d better sharpen this knife, it’s getting pretty blunt.

43- We need to sharpen this knife, I can’t cut anything with it.

44- The edge of the knife is really dull, we’d better sharpen it.

45- Find someone who knows how to sharpen the blade of a knife.

46- blameWe need to sharpen the blades of your skates before your next hockey game.

47- Drinking coffee can sharpen one’s mental acuity for short periods of time.

48- Confucius observed that he that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.

49- You’d better sharpen that stake a bit if you want to stick it in the vampire’s heart tonight.

50- The split aims to sharpen the focus of each unit, according to Whitman.

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