shareholders in a sentence

Use ‘shareholders’ in a sentence | ‘shareholders’ example sentences

1- Many registered offices provide nominee directors and shareholders .

2- The remaining stock is held by minority shareholders .

3- Stock traders advise shareholders and help manage portfolios.

4- The fund calls their shareholders “morally responsible investors.

5- Some foreign shareholders may come forward too.

6- Boeing has a shareholders meeting next week.

7- The major shareholders are pension schemes and insurance companies .

8- I urge shareholders to support resolution 1.

9- In fact, ordinary shareholders are actively discouraged.

10- The corporation currently has approximately 5,500 shareholders .

11- The banks are benign, stable shareholders .

12- Anglo-American was liquidated and shareholders were paid out.

13- Plaintiffs claim a corporate predecessor hid predatory lending from shareholders .

14- But shareholders were not free of blame.

15- Copies of identity cards for citizen shareholders .

16- I urge shareholders to support this proposal.

17- Ten senior staff members are shareholders of the company.

18- They may also make such shareholders ” insiders”.

19- Bond tells shareholders his empire will survive.

20- Many shareholders invest in companies simply to realize gains.

21- We fully understand the shareholders are the owners.

22- Do shareholders need assurances that the business is operating soundly?

23- The cultural alignment means nothing to many shareholders and investors.

24- Two other large shareholders died in 1882.

25- Board accountability to shareholders is a recurring issue.

26- It paid high dividends to its shareholders during peak times.

27- Both private and public traded companies have shareholders .

28- U.S. shareholders have organized various groups to facilitate jointly filing resolutions.

29- The contract provision must be approved by shareholders .

30- This was distributed free to all shareholders .

31- This is because shareholders diversify in different stocks.

32- Thus company profits going to eligible shareholders are taxed just once.

33- He gave us shareholders a clear choice.

34- A certain quorum of shareholders are required to meet.

35- The last minority shareholders were bought out in 2000.

36- To whom can shareholders turn for advice?

37- The purchasers were primarily existing major shareholders of the company.

38- The company informed shareholders of the probe shortly thereafter.

39- Maybe but market share drives investors and shareholders .

40- Does shareholders news readers need jokes on their articles? It was an absurdly ambitious deal that was shot down by shareholders .

41- The offer of a merger of the two companies is certainly an attractive proposition for the shareholders.

42- shareholders in the company need to have more input as to the direction the company takes over the next few years.

43- shareholders in the company are said to be plotting to oust the current CEO, who is seen as being hostile to the merger.

44- U.S. businessman T.

45- Boone Pickens once suggested that far too many executives have become more concerned with the “four P’s” – pay, perks, power and prestige, rather than making profits for shareholders.

46- When available, the net income attributable to shareholders was used.

47- If that happens, it should be fantastic for Time Warner shareholders.

48- The plan failed to win approval in a shareholders’ meeting last month.

49- Shares of the new unit will be distributed to current Yahoo shareholders.

50- Last month, iiNet shareholders approved TPG’s AU$1.5 billion takeover bid.

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