shareholder in a sentence

Use ‘shareholder’ in a sentence | ‘shareholder’ example sentences

1- Many registered offices provide nominee directors and shareholders .

2- I was lucky being a major shareholder .

3- The remaining stock is held by minority shareholders .

4- Each shareholder may cast one vote per share held.

5- The club relied on “significant” shareholder support.

6- Stock traders advise shareholders and help manage portfolios.

7- The fund calls their shareholders “morally responsible investors.

8- The merger was contingent upon shareholder and regulatory approval.

9- Some foreign shareholders may come forward too.

10- How is pension plan accounting used to boost shareholder value?

11- The agreement still needs shareholder and regulatory approvals.

12- Boeing has a shareholders meeting next week.

13- The major shareholders are pension schemes and insurance companies .

14- I urge shareholders to support resolution 1.

15- The deal still needs shareholder and regulatory approval.

16- In fact, ordinary shareholders are actively discouraged.

17- The corporation currently has approximately 5,500 shareholders .

18- But shareholders’ attention is focused elsewhere.

19- The banks are benign, stable shareholders .

20- This shareholder scrutiny acts in two opposing ways.

21- Anglo-American was liquidated and shareholders were paid out.

22- We have substantial cash available to create shareholder value.

23- Plaintiffs claim a corporate predecessor hid predatory lending from shareholders .

24- Reuters reports shareholder losses amounted to more than $7 million.

25- But shareholders were not free of blame.

26- Copies of identity cards for citizen shareholders .

27- Spring is shareholder meeting season for the big banks.

28- I urge shareholders to support this proposal.

29- Ten senior staff members are shareholders of the company.

30- They may also make such shareholders ” insiders”.

31- Bond tells shareholders his empire will survive.

32- It served to broaden our shareholder base significantly.

33- Jeff was made general manager and was a shareholder .

34- Resolution 3 seeks shareholder confirmation of this appointment.

35- Many shareholders invest in companies simply to realize gains.

36- Anyone who owns stock is a shareholder .

37- We fully understand the shareholders are the owners.

38- Do shareholders need assurances that the business is operating soundly?

39- The cultural alignment means nothing to many shareholders and investors.

40- Will the investment add to shareholder wealth? Still, a shareholder group thinks the company has not gone far enough.

41- “We were mindful of those shareholder concerns when we made that offer.

42- A bank representative confirmed it will support the shareholder resolution.

43- That’s what investors were asking at Siemens’ shareholder meeting on Tuesday.

44- 478026McDonald’s annual shareholder meeting will be held on May 21 in Oak Brook.

45- Also killed was journalist, economist and Charlie Hebdo shareholder Bernard Maris.

46- As Buffett said in his 2013 shareholder letter, “Usually we’ve done well in these.

47- The deal is expected to close in the first half of 2016, pending shareholder approval.

48- No proposals will be submitted for shareholder approval at the annual general meeting.

49- Now in private practice, he has been a shareholder at Chamberlain Hrdlicka since 2010.

50- A shareholder motion this spring criticized the pricing strategy, although the motion failed.

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