screams in a sentence 3

Use ‘screams’ in a sentence | ‘screams’ example sentences

101- He is known for his Afghan accent, and high pitched screams and crying when not all things go his way.

102- ” Cassingham’s Second Law, from the May 6, 2007 This Is True, is “Anyone who screams ‘Do you know who I am?

103- Iris quickly follows and scene ensues, ended by Madeleine when she screams hysterically for them to get out.

104- Louis hears his mother’s screams and climbs out of bed, but a dark, shadowy figure with red eyes corners him.

105- Brad screams and Frank and Laura rush back to the car, only to find that the woman and Brad have disappeared.

106- Tracy experiences a hallucination of Jeremy’s father, who was violently opposed to their relationship; she screams.

107- Before leaving, Victoria returns to her room to find her mother passed out on the floor and suddenly screams for help.

108- Then, Seezinz backed up & put her hand in Thing 1s face, Thing 1 screams,” Don’t touch me man & grabs her hand then pushes her.

109- ” was never promoted as a single, over the years it became something of a cult classic for the quality of Mack’s “soul screams“.

110- This was a fake live album they recorded in the studio with overdubbed screams taken from The Beatles ‘s A Hard Day’s Night soundtrack.

111- Kong cast and crew attended and Wray thought her on-screen screams distracting and excessive.

112- Papa Bear wakes Goldilocks up, and when she sees the bears in the bedroom, she screams and runs off.

113- Ignoring Nessa’s screams of contempt, he chases after him and offers him a lift by way of an apology.

114- The Uruguayan senior officers simply turned up a radio report of a soccer game to drown out the screams.

115- As everyone leaves Samuel, he attempts to get them back, but eventually screams, “Run as fast as you can!

116- Tom screams with pain and grabs the blue-feathered mouse, but he gets saved when the red-feathered mouse scalps Tom.

117- He unmasks himself, believing Gustave will accept him (“The Beauty Underneath”), but Gustave is horrified and screams.

118- Mammy screams in pain and the cats look at each other, and move her pant leg to reveal who they have actually attacked.

119- The label was founded in Dublin in April 2003 as an outfit for Otranome to release their debut single, “Sweet screams“.

120- However she subsequently awoke to find herself buried alive and her screams are said to echo through the ruins to this day.

121- He screams, he wails, he growls, he rolls, and he jumps all over the register at will; it’s an altogether astounding virtuoso performance.

122- Helena has brought Shaw to consult on the case, but as he approaches, Koenig psychotically screams for them to get ‘that thing’ away from him.

123- The Shadow King screams in pain as he began losing his grip on all the minds he took, the people of the real world regain their sanity and senses.

More Sentences: 123
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