screams in a sentence

Use ‘screams’ in a sentence | ‘screams’ example sentences

1- The main plot screams “revenge”.

2- The voices rose until they became screams .

3- The same screams and heavy footsteps are heard.

4- The screams you hear are pigs getting stuck .

5- This thing screams and looks really awesome .

6- It simply screams “This book is amazing.

7- My sister screams at her daughter constantly.

8- My entire digestive system screams out in pain.

9- She frantically screams as men rush the stage.

10- The screams of the men having limbs cut off is terrible.

11- The logo screams “90s” to me.

12- The damage caused by stress screams for nutritional support!

13- His screams cut off and his head fell forward.

14- Everything about this place screams “neighborhood place”.

15- She screams again and the girl disappears.

16- The misery around us screams to high heaven.

17- Nothing screams summer vacation more than the ocean.

18- Everyone else screams and ducks for cover.

19- A neighbour heard her screams and called police .

20- Nothing screams blind optimism like battling pollution and global warming.

21- They hear faint screams coming from inside the church.

22- The children’s screams alerted the maintenance man.

23- She screams “Stella” repeatedly during the function.

24- Neighbours said they had repeatedly reported hearing children’s screams .

25- A bed head screams : airplane 1; traveler 0!

26- His singing varies between deep growls and more high pitched screams .

27- Her screams are neither frightened nor crazed but triumphant.

28- He screams and yells all night long, constantly pacing.

29- I stopped the videos once I heard the screams .

30- The screams of children trapped in their burning van.

31- Everybody screams out that buying in bulk saves cash.

32- She is horrified by his appearance and screams loudly.

33- She screams as he advances toward her.

34- I felt her fear before I heard her screams .

35- In the distance I could hear screams .

36- No-one heard him above the shouts and screams .

37- Her screams would be heard for miles around.

38- There were screams of men and of horses.

39- The screams on them more than enough.

40- She screams and falls to her knees. She screams if you even touch her funny bone.

41- At his concerts, she screams for him from a distance.

42- As he slurped the red blood, he heard frenzied screams. She is frightened of spiders, and screams whenever she sees them.

43- She’s a crazy old lady that mutters to herself and screams at shadows.

44- Say .

45- .

46- .

47- I can hear screams coming from the women’s bath.

48- My neighbor is this crazy old lady that screams at anyone who passes by her house.

49- An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants.

50- My neighbor is crazy.

More Sentences: 123
Related Words:
kicking and screamingscream outscream inscreamedscreamerscreamersscreamingscreamsscreescreechscreech to a haltscreechedscreechesscreech atscreeching

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