screams in a sentence 2

Use ‘screams’ in a sentence | ‘screams’ example sentences

51- She talks to herself all the time and screams at shadows.

52- Rock band Bon Jovi sang, “No one hears our silent screams in this land of broken dreaMs. “The rocket exploded into a shower of golden stars, to the screams and cheers of the crowd.

53- We switched off the engine of the dinghies and we heard some terrific screams. Bauman’s ears were ringing, and everything was muffled, but he heard the screams. Delicia’s screams alerted Giddings, who was working at her antique store downtown.

54- Jubouri said he heard shots and screams until about 7 p.m., when the vehicles left.

55- None of which screams to me “heap insults on the bastards and run them out of town.”

56- The aftershock sparked screams and sent terrified people into the streets of Kathmandu.

57- Witnesses recall apparent attack Earl Secord said the man’s screams brought him outside.

58- Police were called shortly after 8 p.m. ET Sunday after someone reported hearing screams. The hip-hop star Kendrick Lamar and the actor Alan Cumming both earned plenty of screams. Balls of fire are falling over our heads amid the screams of children and women, he said.

59- Delicia’s screams alerted Dorothy Giddings, who was working at her antique store downtown.

60- Garner falls to the ground and screams “I can’t breathe!” 11 times before his body goes still.

61- A woman screams at protesters and reporters, right, as her husband holds two kaporos chickens.

62- Moments later, she heard the screams of Crain’s mother– as she stood over her daughter’s body.

63- At that point, we started hearing yelling, screams for help, very, very faint, Jamie Davis said.

64- It’s a billboard on the side of the road that screams reassurance that whatever you are doing is okay.

65- Agonizing screams filled the air day and night.

66- Davies’ screams awakened Ince who rushed to the scene.

67- Sawa added that “the screams of the cast inside the gimble made it look more real”.

68- Having heard Ritch’s screams to run, Wes inadvertently runs into the bear and it attacks him.

69- They make excellent watchdogs due to their loud screams when encountering anything new and potentially threatening.

70- The runner wakes up, notices that he now has sneakers on his feet, screams, and runs away, attempting to shake the shoes off.

71- Leonardo exits, and two screams ring out in the darkness.

72- He screams in terror when he realizes who they clearly are.

73- Regardless, Larry Miller screams that your MATTRESS is free.

74- He’s a Jesus that screams,” his face “haggard and worn, his dark hair matted and stringy.

75- When a player misses, the Homer figure screams or says one of his trademark lines such as ” D’oh!

76- However, he shows little attachment to the rest of his family, especially his mother, She-screams.

77- As Chrissie is about to pull over, Leatherface suddenly appears in the back seat and Chrissie screams.

78- Snape, alerted by Myrtle’s screams, swiftly arrives and heals Draco’s cuts, then takes him to the hospital wing.

79- Her husband, John (Morgan), is awoken by her screams and finds her pinned to the ceiling with a slash across her stomach.

80- The Green Tree Frog screams when it’s in danger to scare off its foe; and this particular frog squeaks when it is touched.

81- He soon is woken up by the screams of Kenta Yumiya, a beyblader who qualified in a recent tournament and made it to the “Best 8”.

82- My headphones suddenly exploded in confused screams from the Russian radio; the Russians have observed what happened and something special seems to have happened..

83- The scene suddenly cuts to black as Revok screams.

84- Barker downs the concoction, and screams for water.

85- “, whereas in the original version, he screams, “Oh shit!

86- When Carice van Houten screams ‘Will it never stop, then!

87- When he shows sign of liking Thera he just screams and runs away.

88- Forge only screams of his rejection by Ororo and she lets him go.

89- When Flo sees Hal approaching Madge, she screams at him to leave.

90- He jumps up and screams, only to see Sam standing in his apartment.

91- He screams to Mary how he feels he has been lied to while growing up.

92- Rosemary screams and the stranger plunges it through the both of them.

93- Gone breathless with fear, the girl screams in agony at the first cut.

94- Valerin screams at Derfel, believing him to be Arthur, that Guinevere was a whore.

95- Ending K: After Bates meets Philip on 1st floor, he enters the dining room and screams.

96- Poque wakes up and then screams when he sees the figure and the figure hisses back at him.

97- Also, when Duke Nukem dies in the game, he screams the roar of the aliens from Duke Nukem 3D.

98- Vilday said that on hearing the screams she had gone to the flat and seen Lynette dead inside.

99- She screams, removing her headphones and blindfold to reveal that her eyes have been sewn shut.

100- However, Karan tells her that he heard her screams from the forest when he went to retrieve water.

More Sentences: 123
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