scientific in a sentence 3

Use ‘scientific’ in a sentence | ‘scientific’ example sentences

100- The scientific knowledge base is so primitive that it is impossible for scientists to determine the current rate of global warming.

101- According to Thomas Kuhn, procedural paradigms control our study of the natural world during periods between scientific revolutions.

102- Mark Russell once joked, “The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.

103- “In 1905, Albert Einstein published five scientific papers that fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, light and matter.

104- Einstein once stated that it is not the fruits of scientific research that elevate man and enrich his nature, but the urge to understand.

105- Detecting regularities in behavior through observation is an important part of the scientific method as applied in the field of psychology.

106- Martin Luther King maintained that our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.

107- We have guided missiles, and misguided men.

108- scientific tests in the laboratory have so far been encouraging, but it remains to be seen if they can be duplicated during actual treatment.

109- The goal of our organization is to advance scientific inquiry and knowledge by publishing credible peer-reviewed articles in various scientific fields.

110- Martin Luther King maintained that our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power, with the result that we have guided missiles, and misguided men.

111- Culture, in the scientific sense, is the ability to invent new behaviors that are adopted by the population group and are passed along to succeeding generations.

112- Culture, in the scientific sense, is the ability to invent new behaviors that are adopted by the population group and are passed along to succeeding generations.

113- sensibleThe rise in New Age spiritualism is merely a manifestation of the difficulty some people experience in moving from a traditional, religious society into a modern, scientific society.

114- The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

115- The conquest of Japan is a victory for the world’s best scientific minds.

116- ‘It’s very, very important from a fundamental, scientific point of view.’

117- This is another incarnation through more scientific dressing,” Milev said.

118- scientific research should help answer how we can best reduce gun violence.

119- This jibes with the findings of a new movement in the scientific community.

120- Japan aims to take more than 300 whales in its “scientific whaling” program.

121- 389790It funded scientific research and legal action against public policy.

122- They believe the scientific basis for their arguments to be objective facts.

123- More and more scientific studies speak to the irrefutable benefits of sleep.

124- scientific dating techniques determined the skull was about 55,000 years old.

125- Wolfram calls it a “top down” vs. “bottom up” approach to scientific discovery.

126- Keown: “It looks from afar that their transfer strategy is not very scientific.

127- Several Fezouata Biota fossils now grace the pages of major scientific journals.

128- 762893The overwhelming amount of scientific evidence supports that decision.”””

129- Jonas Hein, a scientific researcher at the German Development Institute, agrees.

130- The scientific prize – as with Beagle – was there to be seized by British hands.

131- This is about as scientific as you can get, Holt said, “when dealing with people.”

132- The human element has always been as important to medicine as the scientific side.

133- That means tests like Pathway Genomics’ blood test are on shaky scientific ground.

134- Back then, the technology was pretty rudimentary – more of a scientific experiment.

135- 717875The field sobriety tests are only ”scientific proof” when the tested fails.

136- Van Dam says the only way to be sure is to conduct scientific testing on the substance.

137- Attempts to justify the scientific reality of human races warrant no further discussion.

138- 397850It is literally some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

139- They may have benefits that can bring mankind to new levels of scientific understanding.

140- Denis Kay is the chief scientific officer at Neurodyn and a co-founder of the conference.

141- Best-case scenario: When can we hope for those scientific instruments to come back online?

142- Still, Meng’s first piece of happiness advice appears to have growing scientific credence.

143- The spacecraft has been studying the Red Planet ever since with six scientific instruments.

144- After years of public comment and scientific review, this is the final step in the process.

145- National Geographic, scientific American, Lego and Virgin Galactic are also awarding prizes.

146- The pope reiterates the broad scientific consensus that human actions are its primary cause.

147- “Everything I say is based on hard, documentary, historical evidence or scientific evidence.

148- The study was published Monday in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Nature Climate Change.

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