scientific theory in a sentence

Use ‘scientific theory’ in a sentence | ‘scientific theory’ example sentences

1- A scientific theory must pass every test.

2- A scientific theory is worthless unless it has been conclusively proven.

3- Actual scientific theory builds on experimental evidence.

4- Scientific theories are developed from such visions.

5- How does change in scientific theories occur?

6- Modern scientific theory describes a perfectly symmetrical universe.

7- But scientific theories are hypotheses that have passed many empirical tests.

8- This common exchange reveals a common misconception about scientific theories .

9- Many scientific theories debate the principles that define specific leadership styles.

10- Marx’s economic theory is a scientific theory .

11- They must make atheism the only scientific theory .

12- This is a far cry from what scientific theory means.

13- A scientific theory cannot be proven.

14- Indeed, scientific theories change over time.

15- These reasons revolve around the notion of a scientific theory .

16- Understand that scientific theory is not your enemy.

17- Projects are works of art and not scientific theory .

18- What is the scientific theory of ID?

19- Now this fascination with scientific theory is no bad thing.

20- He personally considers evolution a philosophy rather than a scientific theory .

21- Scientific theories are just that , theories.

22- And such a claim certainly is not a scientific theory .

23- It’s not an accepted scientific theory .

24- They are not scientific theories at all.

25- It is a true scientific theory – logically structured and empirically supported.

26- They present various polemical arguments against the scientific theory of evolution.

27- The resource below discusses one such scientific theory on handedness.

28- Try again to rationalize it within existing scientific theories .

29- So-called scientific theories about race have long been discredited.

30- It involves some sort of scientific theory , or something.

31- Every new scientific theory has to start at the fringe.

32- Scientific theories change in the light of new discoveries.

33- Another showed a boy reading about scientific theories with some difficulty.

34- Psychology tries to produce a scientific theory of the human subject.

35- They apply model-dependent realism to scientific theories .

36- There is not a single scientific theory that is atheistic.

37- They easily find other scientific theories to buttress their faith.

38- We are seeking a good scientific theory of amorous relations.

39- Vicente, how can we prove a scientific theory ?

40- That’s because it’s a real scientific theory . Mark Russel once joked that the scientific theory he liked best was that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage.

41- Mark Russell once joked, “The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.

42- “That’s partly because Nash-influenced game theory isn’t actually a testable scientific theory at all.

43- In his example the nomological danglers would be sensations such that are not able to be explained by the scientific theory of brain processes.

44- Science To seek to “unmask” the capitalist system, Marx argued, is a work of critical-scientific theory.

45- Judge Ed Carnes said that the words on the sticker are “technically accurate,” and that “From nonlife to life is the greatest gap in scientific theory.

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