scientific research in a sentence

Use ‘scientific research’ in a sentence | ‘scientific research’ example sentences

1- scientific research has produced substantial social benefits.

2- Recent scientific research has shown that pesticides cause different brain diseases.

3- Finland is highly productive in scientific research .

4- This book is based on scientific research .

5- scientific research evidence for homeopathic medicine is growing.

6- It will not inhibit legitimate scientific research .

7- Chance is far more important than planning in scientific research .

8- Actually read the volumes scientific research that has been done.

9- British scientific research was of a high calibre.

10- Free golf tips based on the latest scientific research .

11- Neither thought a military environment was conducive to scientific research .

12- What scientific research experience have you had?

13- Improving the number of faculty doing scientific research .

14- Felix had a deep appreciation for scientific research .

15- Many scientific research projects and papers are published each year.

16- This study showcased the disconnect between human rights and scientific research .

17- Some countries have tried to encourage scientific research .

18- Many governments have dedicated agencies to support scientific research .

19- Brown rats are often used as model organisms for scientific research .

20- There are countless opportunities for scientific research and discovery.

21- Turning scientific research into a video game .

22- scientific research is not necessarily an expensive endeavor .

23- They employ scientific research in pursuit of social change .

24- They warned the ruling could severely harm scientific research .

25- Funding scientific research from basic science through to applied .

26- The scientific research done on the subject has been inconclusive .

27- It is absolutely wrong to cut medial and scientific research .

28- Including quite a few references to scientific research !

29- scientific research is often divided into compartments.

30- The British expedition was designed entirely for scientific research .

31- To many, scientific research has become a curse.

32- Beyond scientific research , knowledge and cultural exchanges are pervasive.

33- The University teaching staff conducts scientific research on 39 scientific topics.

34- In addition, there are 2 scientific research institutions.

35- Animated short film based on peer-reviewed scientific research .

36- He has authored various scientific research papers in peer-reviewed journals.

37- Since 1986, Japan has been whaling under scientific research permits.

38- Also Goethe’s scientific researches were wide.

39- Guinea pig strains used in scientific research are primarily outbred strains.

40- Robotic spacecraft used to support scientific research are space probes. He played a very important part in our scientific research.

41- scientific research in South Africa is funded jointly by government and business.

42- A mere repetition of other people’s research cannot be called true scientific research.

43- Despite years of scientific research, a cure for the common cold is not imminent.

44- immuneThe reason which is most often cited for using animals in scientific research is for experimental control.

45- In December of 1959, 12 countries signed a treaty preserving Antarctica for peaceful purposes and scientific research.

46- In December of 1959, 12 countries signed a treaty preserving Antarctica for peaceful purposes, and scientific research.

47- The latest scientific research into cancer shows that environment is the most important factor in the development of the disease.

48- Einstein once stated that it is not the fruits of scientific research that elevate man and enrich his nature, but the urge to understand.

49- Discussion question: Can the lives of laboratory animals be legitimately sacrificed for the purposes of scientific research intended to benefit human beings? leisurescientific research should help answer how we can best reduce gun violence.

50- 389790It funded scientific research and legal action against public policy.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
school sciencescience bookmanagement sciencescience parkMaster of Sciencesciencesscientificscientific researchscientific knowledgescientific evidencescientific discoveryscientific theoryscientific factscientific journalscientific paper

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