sceptical in a sentence

Use ‘sceptical’ in a sentence | ‘sceptical’ example sentences

1- But talent brokers are sceptical of those claims.

2- Other friends and colleagues were more sceptical .

3- The sceptical conclusion is that knowledge is impossible.

4- People are often sceptical of buying contact lenses online.

5- Nowadays, consumers are far too sceptical .

6- They remained sceptical of the military option.

7- Hungary is hopeful but stays sceptical of better relations.

8- Later outbreaks were dispersed by more sceptical and humane means.

9- Yet journalists in particular have been sceptical .

10- This changes left the viewers sceptical and generally disappointed.

11- Both officers were sceptical that any attack was taking place.

12- It was also more sceptical about universal suffrage.

13- Some factors are sceptical that legislation would achieve much.

14- I was sceptical about him last season.

15- That is why the sceptical blogs are so important .

16- Anybody else strangely sceptical about this game ?

17- Other friends were also sceptical about suicide .

18- I had been somewhat sceptical about the trip .

19- Nevertheless he remained highly sceptical of quantum theory.

20- The intended beneficiaries of LMS are rather more sceptical .

21- But other shadow Cabinet members are sceptical .

22- Second, higher education institutions must nurture sceptical and informed citizens.

23- Many unionists, however, remain sceptical .

24- My position is known – I am sceptical towards full membership .

25- Americans remain sceptical of the state and fiercely independent minded.

26- Could they be more sceptical to authority?

27- A growing number of economists are sceptical of this.

28- The nurse at the desk was a bit sceptical .

29- In fact, he now looked downright sceptical .

30- Some EU diplomats were more sceptical of the reasons put forward.

31- They were also sceptical of the promised economic benefits.

32- In this case the sceptical view won out.

33- Many people were sceptical of his claim.

34- Nevertheless, he remained sceptical of organised religion.

35- Economists have tended to be more sceptical .

36- Taiwanese are sceptical , but the president is determined.

37- Local politicians and officials are pleased, but sceptical .

38- Were you merely ” very sceptical ” of the results?

39- Some believe you can link devices ; others are sceptical .

40- But across the country many people are sceptical , . Our people are fairly sceptical, he said an interview on the N24 news channel.

41- The German Finance Minister said he was “very sceptical” ahead of the meeting.

42- British people over 50 years old were the most sceptical age group about membership.

43- “I’m sceptical because I can’t see any reason why the Taliban would want to fight alongside Daesh.

44- Kris is sceptical, so Elliot meets with Kris and shows him recordings of alien sightings.

45- However, De Ligt became sceptical about the League’s efforts, viewing it as how the colonial powers maintained an unjust world order.

46- Jerome Clark has described himself as a “sceptical Fortean”.

47- She is sceptical of anthropogenic global warming.

48- Simpson 1985, p. 40. Jones was sceptical and felt that it unlikely to recoup its construction costs.

49- While Lord Danby seems to have been rightly sceptical about Oates’s claims, the Cavalier Parliament took them seriously.

More Sentences: 12
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